HomeWorldThe Copenhagen Criteria: Gen Z identify and update 7 news values that...

The Copenhagen Criteria: Gen Z identify and update 7 news values that matter

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What makes a story newsworthy? At World News Media Congress 2024 in Copenhagen, 12 delegates spent a day with 70 students from International People’s College to answer the question.

In a workshop they examined the student’s media preferences and shared perspectives across generations as a baseline to revise the traditional news values. Some were preserved, while others were renewed to a list of seven:

  • Educational – show us news that helps us learn and understand more about relevant topics
  • Empowering – show us news that encourages us and provides tools to take action based on informed decisions
  • G-local – show us how global events impact us locally and vice versa
  • Human – show us diverse representation through personal experiences, that evoke empathy, compassion and inspiration
  • Impactful – show us events that affect numerous people and influence us or those involved
  • Objective – show us fact-based news, unbiased and from different perspectives
  • Timely – show us current news and prioritize ongoing events


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