HomePoliticsBiden Administration Makes Ridiculous Claim That It Can’t Release Audio Recordings Because...

Biden Administration Makes Ridiculous Claim That It Can’t Release Audio Recordings Because Of Fear Of “DeepFakes” * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Daniel

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Remember Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur?

This is the interview where Robert Hur refused to indict Biden, but revealed that has severe memory issues.

For example, Biden appeared to be confused about when he served as Vice President.

He appeared to be confused about the details surrounding his son’s death.

And he had many other stumbles, fumbles, and memory lapses.

Hur refused to indict Biden because he was a “well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.”

Well, the White House is refusing to release the audio of Joe Biden’s interview.


Because they are afraid it will result in deep fakes of Joe Biden.

Wait… what?!

You mean, the man who has been sitting in the White House for the last 4 years?

The man who has served as Vice President for 8 years?

The man who has been in Washington D.C. for, um… decades!

There’s plenty of material to create a deep fake of Joe Biden, yet his administration is afraid that this recording with Special Counsel Hur will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

How clueless do they think the American people are?

What are they covering up?

What did Joe Biden say (or mess up so badly) that the interview is now classified at the highest level?

Folks, there are PLENTY of Joe Biden deep fakes.

This is nothing new.

And there’s already plenty of footage, audio recording, and photos to pull from.

A single interview isn’t going to suddenly result in deep fakes.

There can only be one conclusion: What happened in the interview that is so bad that it now has to be classified?

The Hill confirms:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) pushed back against the release of audio recordings of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur, citing concerns that “deep fakes” could emerge.

DOJ argued, in a Friday night filing, that if the audio were released, it could end up being altered and passed off as an “authentic” recording which would be shared widely.

“The passage of time and advancements in audio, artificial intelligence, and ‘deep fake’ technologies only amplify concerns about malicious manipulation of audio files,” according to the filing, first obtained by Politico.

“To be sure, other raw material to create a deepfake of President Biden’s voice is already available, but release of the audio recording presents unique risks: if it were public knowledge that the audio recording has been released, it becomes easier for malicious actors to pass off an altered file as the true recording,” the administration added in the 49-page filing.

DOJ officials also said the release of the audio “would harm substantial privacy interests.”

The logic doesn’t line up.

Based on this logic, they could argue that Joe Biden needs to hide in a basement (hint, hint).

Yet we all know that the opposite is true.

We all know that if it were President Trump who was under investigation, the recording would have been released.

And if the recording wasn’t officially released, it would have almost certainly been “leaked” to the press or on social media.

The double standard is undeniable!

Where are Republican officials pushing back on this?

Where are the subpoenas?

Where’s the oversight and accountability?

The National Review has more details on this case:

The Justice Department is using the Biden administration’s invocation of executive privilege to fight a lawsuit by multiple parties that seek to gain access to the audio from President Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur.

Executive privilege is one of the exemptions the Justice Department cited in a motion on Friday to combat a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by conservative groups and numerous media organizations over the audio recordings of Biden’s interview with Hur during the special counsel’s investigation into whether Biden had mishandled classified documents.

In a motion for summary judgment filed on Friday, the Justice Department argued: “The recording facially comes within the scope of executive privilege, which is recognized in civil litigation. The audio recording therefore is properly withheld pursuant to Exemption 5, which exempts records that are ‘inter-agency or intraagency memorandums or letters that would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency.’” The court documents were first reported by Politico.

The Justice Department also warned that artificial intelligence and deepfake recordings could be used to manipulate the audio:

“The passage of time and advancements in audio, artificial intelligence, and ‘deep fake’ technologies only amplify concerns about malicious manipulation of audio files. If the audio recording is released here, it is easy to foresee that it could be improperly altered, and that the altered file could be passed off as an authentic recording and widely distributed.”

Additionally, the Justice Department suggested that the audio was unnecessary because the Biden–Hur transcripts have already been made public and releasing the audio could make it more difficult to gain cooperation from witnesses in future investigations.

Ummm… if the transcripts have already been released, then what’s the concern?

Any deep fakes can be fact checked against the transcripts.

Unless, of course, the transcripts have “conveniently” omitted anything that may reveal the truth about Joe Biden’s cognitive state.

So what do you think?

Do you buy into this official reasoning?

Or is there a corrupt effort here to cover up for Joe Biden?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


Why Is Obama So PANICKED About “Deep Fakes”? My Theory…

As the Tucker Carlson / Larry Sinclair interview is set to go live tonight, it seems like a good idea to revisit this story.

It seems like not much scares Barack Obama…

I mean, why would it when you have the entire Deep State backing you up?

You’d probably feel invincible.

Which is why I found it so interesting to see him truly PANICKED about something.

And that “something” is “deep fake videos”

Obama recently claimed that he was “probably the most recorded, filmed, photographed human in history” and followed up that statement by sharing his concerns about there being a lot of material out there to create deep fake videos of himself.

In order to combat any deep fake videos of himself Obama suggested that “digital fingerprints” should be issued on all digital content so people can track misinformation.


Fox News broke down Obama’s recent statements:

President Barack Obama suggested in a new interview the development of “digital fingerprints” to combat misinformation and distinguish between true and misleading news for consumers.

Obama sat down with his former White House senior adviser David Axelrod for a conversation on the latter’s podcast, “The Axe Files,” on CNN Audio. During the interview, Axelrod noted he’s seen “misinformation, disinformation, [and] deepfakes” targeting Obama.

“As I’ve told people, because I was the first digital president when I left office, I was probably the most recorded, filmed, photographed human in history, which is kind of a weird thing,” responded Obama. “But just the odds are that I was. As a consequence, there’s a lot of raw material there.”

The former president added that the deepfakes — digitally manipulated images, audio or video that appear legitimate — started with a version of him dancing, “saying dirty limericks” and similar kinds of activity.

“That technology’s here now,” continued Obama, who warned about the issue getting worse moving forward. “So, most immediately we’re going to have all the problems we had with misinformation before, [but] this next election cycle will be worse.”

He then suggested “digital fingerprints” to discern truth from misinformation.

I’ve actually covered this before many times and I’ve predicted that EXACTLY this would happen.

I’ve predicted that very damaging and highly embarrassing videos would soon come out about the Elites.

When they do, I predicted they would claim they were just “deep fakes”.

It seems as though Barry Obama is trying to get ahead of that story.

I first started warning you about this way back in 2020.

Here’s what I wrote back then:

Deep Faked – Here’s What They’re Going To Do Next

I have shown you this before, but I have to show you again.

Because we’re getting thousands of new readers each day so this may very well be new for a lot of you.

Watch this video and especially the face.

As the impression changes, “Deep Fake” technology is employed to make the face change too.

Always wanted to look like Brad Pitt or George Clooney?

Now you can….at least on video.

But that’s very scary.

Just watch for yourself:

So…what happens next?

At this point, I’ve been doing this so long I can see their next moves before they even make them…

I can see around corners, almost instinctively.

And with a bunch of video evidence primed to soon drop (think: election videos, Hunter Biden videos, the Hillary video, etc) they need a way “out”.

It used to be you couldn’t argue with a photo…but then came Photoshop.

Then it was you certainly couldn’t argue with a video…but now comes this.

It’s called a Deep Fake and it will blow your mind.

Watch this short video of this impressionist, who is good but he appears magical when “Deep Fake” technology is applied to change his face to look like the person he’s impersonating.

It’s impressive, creepy and stunning all at the same time.

Just watch:

Now, take that and apply it to Joe Biden.

We’ve heard a lot about a “Fake Biden”.

Maybe an actor…

Maybe a body double…

Maybe who knows what!

We’ve also talked about fake White Houses, fake TV sets, etc.

When I first published articles about Biden possibly in a fake White House, so many people said it was CONSPIRACY THEORY and I should no longer be allowed to publish anything because I had lost all credibility.

Except….we were proven right last week.

In case you haven’t seen it, it’s no longer “Fake Conspiracy” or even “Conspiracy Theory”.


It’s now Fact.

Not a “rumor”….a “TRUEmor”.

If you missed it, read about Joe Biden’s Fake White House Set here (and see the photos and videos).

Even Fox News and some left-leaning channels have covered it.

But with that as background, I actually want to talk about Fake Obama, not Fake Biden in this article.

And I’m not talking about body doubles or actors.

I’m talking about “deep fakes”.

Have you heard of them?

If not, watch this and see if you can correctly identify the “real” Obama….

Watch here on Rumble:

If you haven’t watched the video, stop here and don’t read anymore.

Ok, SPOILERS coming….

For everyone who watched the video you learned that NONE of them are real.

All are computer fakes.

Scary right?

And this video is over a year old.

My point?

If they could do this a year ago, how many things in the Biden Residency do you think are being faked?

And another bigger point: it used to be said that you could “photoshop” a photo but not a video.

Now you can do both.

Why is that important?

Read this article below to realize what’s coming next.

Ok folks, buckle up because this one is about to get wild!

If you’ve been following the Jeffrey Epstein story, you know the rumors say he had EVERYTHING on video tape.

Very powerful people all caught on video tape in, shall we say, compromising situations?

Situations maybe with very young children perhaps?


Movie stars.

Supreme Court justices?  (looking at you JR)

That’s all speculation.

And Epstein is dead (allegedly), but his handler Ghislaine Maxwell is not.

So that will play out on its own.

But let’s just assume for a moment that these videos DO come out.

What happens next?

It’s game over, right?

Caught on tape!

Photos and video don’t lie!


Or do they?

Have you heard about “Deep Fakes” recently?

Confused about what they are?

I believe the Deep Fake is the Deep State’s answer to all these videos when they start being exposed.

So what is a Deep Fake?

Well, watch this:

And even this from PBS’s NOVA:

Ok, so now you get it.

Now you’ve SEEN it.

And let me tell you something else….if this is what they’re publicly releasing, then you know the real technology held by the elites is much more advanced.

They never release the full thing, just a fraction of it.

Here’s more on the new technology, from Forbes:

Last month during ESPN’s hit documentary series The Last Dance, State Farm debuted a TV commercial that has become one of the most widely discussed ads in recent memory. It appeared to show footage from 1998 of an ESPN analyst making shockingly accurate predictions about the year 2020.

As it turned out, the clip was not genuine: it was generated using cutting-edge AI. The commercial surprised, amused and delighted viewers.

What viewers should have felt, though, was deep concern.

The State Farm ad was a benign example of an important and dangerous new phenomenon in AI: deepfakes. Deepfake technology enables anyone with a computer and an Internet connection to create realistic-looking photos and videos of people saying and doing things that they did not actually say or do.

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A combination of the phrases “deep learning” and “fake”, deepfakes first emerged on the Internet in late 2017, powered by an innovative new deep learning method known as generative adversarial networks (GANs).

Several deepfake videos have gone viral recently, giving millions around the world their first taste of this new technology: President Obama using an expletive to describe President Trump, Mark Zuckerberg admitting that Facebook’s true goal is to manipulate and exploit its users, Bill Hader morphing into Al Pacino on a late-night talk show.

The amount of deepfake content online is growing at a rapid rate. At the beginning of 2019 there were 7,964 deepfake videos online, according to a report from startup Deeptrace; just nine months later, that figure had jumped to 14,678. It has no doubt continued to balloon since then.

While impressive, today’s deepfake technology is still not quite to parity with authentic video footage—by looking closely, it is typically possible to tell that a video is a deepfake. But the technology is improving at a breathtaking pace. Experts predict that deepfakes will be indistinguishable from real images before long.

“In January 2019, deep fakes were buggy and flickery,” said Hany Farid, a UC Berkeley professor and deepfake expert. “Nine months later, I’ve never seen anything like how fast they’re going. This is the tip of the iceberg.”

Today we stand at an inflection point. In the months and years ahead, deepfakes threaten to grow from an Internet oddity to a widely destructive political and social force. Society needs to act now to prepare itself.

When Seeing Is Not Believing

The first use case to which deepfake technology has been widely applied—as is often the case with new technologies—is pornography. As of September 2019, 96% of deepfake videos online were pornographic, according to the Deeptrace report.

A handful of websites dedicated specifically to deepfake pornography have emerged, collectively garnering hundreds of millions of views over the past two years. Deepfake pornography is almost always non-consensual, involving the artificial synthesis of explicit videos that feature famous celebrities or personal contacts.

From these dark corners of the web, the use of deepfakes has begun to spread to the political sphere, where the potential for mayhem is even greater.

It does not require much imagination to grasp the harm that could be done if entire populations can be shown fabricated videos that they believe are real. Imagine deepfake footage of a politician engaging in bribery or sexual assault right before an election; or of U.S. soldiers committing atrocities against civilians overseas; or of President Trump declaring the launch of nuclear weapons against North Korea. In a world where even some uncertainty exists as to whether such clips are authentic, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Because of the technology’s widespread accessibility, such footage could be created by anyone: state-sponsored actors, political groups, lone individuals.

In a recent report, The Brookings Institution grimly summed up the range of political and social dangers that deepfakes pose: “distorting democratic discourse; manipulating elections; eroding trust in institutions; weakening journalism; exacerbating social divisions; undermining public safety; and inflicting hard-to-repair damage on the reputation of prominent individuals, including elected officials and candidates for office.”

Given the stakes, U.S. lawmakers have begun to pay attention.

So….now do you get it?

Now do you see the master plan?

Let’s assume we FINALLY get to see all the evidence that Epstein and Maxwell have.

Let’s say we see really sick videos of Bill Clinton with children as young as, oh I don’t know, say 12?

Will they go straight to prison?

Of course not!

Silly plebs.

The answer will be so simple:  “that’s not real”.

Well it sure looks like you Bill.

Yeah, sure it does, but have you heard of Deep Fake videos?

Here watch all of these.

It’s impossible to tell that this isn’t just a computer generated image.

I wasn’t there.

I never had sex with that woman.

That wasn’t me!

Can you see how this will go now?

It’s coming folks, and you heard it from me, Noah, first on September 27, 2020.

Sadly, I wish I were not right about this.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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