HomePoliticsBlazeTV host Sara Gonzales exposes 'grooming and indoctrination' at the Dallas Pride...

BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales exposes 'grooming and indoctrination' at the Dallas Pride all-ages event | Blaze Media

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Saturday marked the beginning of a month — and in some cases,
a season — that LGBT activists across the West have devoted to the capital vice, pride. As in past years, the heart of Texas has not gone untouched by this devotion.

Over the weekend, activists once again took to the streets of Dallas to proudly signal their support for all things non-straight.

The Dallas Pride Committee indicated in its
guidebook that this year’s festivities were dedicated to transvestites who are supposedly “a visible target for extremists — from the halls of Congress to the state legislatures to the streets.”

BlazeTV host and
Defend Our Kids: Texas executive director Sara Gonzales went to the Dallas Pride Music Festival to get a better sense of the varieties of agitprop and obscenities Texan activists decided to expose minors to this time around.

The guidebook advertised “age-appropriate entertainment” at the Dallas Pride Music Festival’s so-called
Teen Pride and Family Pride Zone.

‘There was no ‘adults only’ area — all the graphic content I captured was from the main event.’

Teen Pride subjected teens 13 and older to transvestite performers in highly sexualized costumes, “a dedicated area for Trans services and organization,” and “empowerment discussions by Trust the Process” — a panel discussion centered on encouraging confused children to disassociate with their respective biological realities.

“The entire festival was billed as ‘family friendly,’ including the parade in which the announcer called people ‘sluts’ and made jokes about male genitalia,” Gonzales told Blaze News. “There was no ‘adults only’ area — all the graphic content I captured was from the main event, where children were present and welcomed.”

Gonzales shared footage of the supposedly family-friendly festivities on her show, “Sara Gonzales Unfiltered,” as well as on X, revealing kids were exposed to various degrees of vulgarity and sexualized exhibitions.

The amplified voice of a speaker at the festival can be heard in the video saying, “Where are my bisexuals? They’re not really bisexual. They’re just sluts.”

Later in the video, an event speaker says to the all-ages crowd, “Oh, Cox Automotive,” referencing a
DEI-captive company apparently advertised nearby. “Cox. Well, you’re in good company. Except for the ladies who are a little grossed out by that.”

Gonzales also captured images of children and families ambling by LGBT merchandise and banners emblazoned with the words, “Boo, you whore!”; “Is dick a carb?”; “F*** you”; “over worked & under f***ed”; “you my friends should have been swallowed”; “p***y power”; and “Slut.” There was, of course, also LGBT activist apparel targeted at children, including rainbow “Paw Patrol” gear and transvestite flag T-shirts.

‘Because it’s not family friendly. It’s not even adult friendly.’

Gonzales told Blaze News that the “overwhelming majority of children were attending the event with what appeared to be single mothers.”

“You know what’s so funny?” Gonzales said on her BlazeTV show. “Every time I go, I’m like, ‘I hate going to this.’ I feel like I need an exorcism every time I leave. … I don’t understand how they can get away with saying this is ‘family-friendly.’ I go to the family friendly festivals. I go to them. I have never once seen any of this. None of it. None of it.”

“I have never seen flags that say, ‘P***y power.’ Sorry, edit. Yeah, you’re going to have to mute that,” continued Gonzales. “You know why? Because it’s not family friendly. It’s not even adult friendly. I’ve never been to an all-ages family-friendly festival that has fans with the c-word on it or people dressed like that.”

Minnesota state Rep. Walter Hudson (R)
said in response to Gonzales’ video, “It’s ‘family friendly’ because, like with so many things, they’ve appropriated the word, changed its definition, and smuggled in the substitute without telling you. To them, ‘family’ means queer. So, they’re just saying queer-friendly. It’s that simple.”

BlazeTV host Steve Deaceresponded with an illustration of Carthaginian child sacrifice.

Christin Bentley, Texas state Republican executive committeewoman for Senate District 1,
noted, “If you think this is ‘family friendly’ … you’re a degenerate.”

“The LGBT festivals happening across the country this month are just a reminder of how far society has degraded,” Gonzales told Blaze News. “What was once unthinkable to bring children to participate in is now celebrated by the left. There is nothing else to call it other than grooming and indoctrination — and quite frankly, child abuse.”

Defend Our Kids: Texas, the initiative Gonzales helms, is actively working to stop the sexualization of children in the Lone Star State, “whether it be from drag story hour for toddlers or pornographic literature in school libraries.”

Gonzales emphasized that “our children are under attack.”

‘The quicker they can poison young minds, the more chaos they can create within the family unit.’

“While we were largely successful last session in getting several critical bills passed, there is more work to be done to ensure Texas children are free from the exploitation and sexualization from adults — whether it be parents, teachers, Pride parades, or otherwise.”

The BlazeTV host indicated that the Pride-themed campaign underway is “straight out of the Communist Manifesto: a move to destroy the nuclear family.”

“The quicker they can poison young minds, the more chaos they can create within the family unit,” said Gonzales. “They very much want your children, and they’ve said as much. It is up to us to be vigilant and stop it.”

While the Biden administration and corporations nationwide continue to lean into their respective pride devotions, it appears the general public is fast losing its appetite for the LGBT agenda.

After interviewing over 22,000 American adults for its so-called American Values Atlas last year, the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for LGBT policies had dropped for the first time. PBS News reported that support for homosexual “marriage” dropped by 2 percentage points; support for nondiscrimination protections dropped by 4 points; and opposition to Americans refusing services based on their deeply held religious convictions dropped 5 points.

In Canada, where the Trudeau government celebrates “Pride Season,” a recent Ipsos survey indicated there were “precipitous drops” in support for so-called LGBT rights. Support for overt displays of sexual preferences and so-called gender identity dropped by 12% since 2021.

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