HomePoliticsClif High: Here Come The “Lightning Eaters”! * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

Clif High: Here Come The “Lightning Eaters”! * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

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Ok, this is absolutely fascinating….

I am excited to pass this along to you for a couple different reasons.

The first is because Clif High is always a massive source of fascinating predictions.

I’ve been covering him since 2015 and as a result of his big data scraping analysis (web bots) he has consistently hit stunning predictions about what is to come in the future.

They often sound outlandish….and then they happen.

So I’m excited to share this with you and show you what Clif says is coming soon, in the near future, perhaps even later this year or early next year.

I also love publishing these so we can document together and look back on things if/when they happen.

We did that with this one and that really blew my mind:

WOW: Clif High’s July 15th Prediction Was 100% ACCURATE! Let Me Explain….

The other reason this really caught my eye is because it lines up PERFECTLY with a story our very own MWinger brought us a few weeks ago.

Almost identical.

Clif is calling them “Lightning Eaters” and you need to watch the video to hear him explain it in his own words, but basically he’s talking about the long-rumored “zero point energy” device will soon truly become a reality.

He says his reports show people will start calling them Lightning Eaters because they will work in some manner by harvesting the static electricity right out of the sky.

Which is what caught my attention so much because that’s EXACTLY what MWinger told us in this article:

Govt Concealed Tech That Could Prevent FAMINE, Protect from Dangerous 5G & 10Xs Your Health?

We’ve already proven they work with “Electroculture”…..we knew that 100 years ago.

Nikola Tesla proved it, and thousands of people continue to prove it by putting them in their gardens.

I have some in mine and they’re INCREDIBLE!

No doubt in my mind they work big time!

But being able to harness that into creating and storing electricity (in large amounts) will be an entirely new breakthrough.

Can you imagine?

It will completely upend our economy (in a good way) and no longer will we be tied to expensive oil or huge electric bills each month.

Truly life-changing.

Again, this is all Clif’s prediction which he has on his map for later this year (2024) or early next year, and the man has an incredible track record of being right about these things!

Let me get you right into the video so you can watch for yourself, and then scroll down for a Transcript if you’d rather read that and below the transcript I will republish MWinger’s original article so you can see how crazy it was that we first brought you this two weeks before Clif published his video!

Watch here:

Backup video here if needed:


Clif High: Hello, humans. It’s 6:34 on August 13, 6:34 a.m. I hadn’t planned on doing any audios, but I’ve dug way deep into the data, and I’ve been quite surprised at a lot of the stuff that I found. I thought it was worthwhile to do this because it’s not simply reporting yet more of the same. It’s not simply a rehash of more of the stuff that’s already manifest. But I’m going to get into that in a minute.

So, I’m going to do this audio in chunks because I’ve got some processes running on the servers in the building out there, and I’ll get a notification when I need to go and swap them over to another level of processing. I’m also trying to get breakfast for myself and the dogs. We’ve gotten back from the beach. We’ve been up since about 10 after 3 when I started getting into the data. I had a fitful night’s sleep because I’d been reading through the output that came out yesterday, and it was quite surprising.

But anyway, some housekeeping, and then I’ll go and shut down the other process and kick it over to the output I need. Then I’ll proceed with the audio, so it might be a little bit disjointed. Thanks, everybody, for the well-wishing for my wife, but it’s not working. She’s not doing well, and it’s simply not going to be possible in any way for me to be with her at this time. It’s just the nature of what’s happening to her and our situation. She needs really continuous care.

My thought had been I located a house that had been basically set up with a hospital in it or the potential for that. It was sort of designed that way: bathroom was accessible, extra-wide doors into the bedroom, and so on. I was considering moving a hospital bed in, but it’s not possible for me, even where that house was located, to purchase it and then after that locate and get people in place for her care. It’d have to be a live-in situation. That house had that possibility because it had a guest house that could have been used to house nursing staff, but it’s not going to happen.

So, I’m going to fix this place up minimally, just repair those things that were causing us aggravation here, causing me aggravation, and leading towards the idea of the addition. Again, I was going to put a hospital suite in the addition here, and that’s not going to happen. The dogs and I are going to be out here for the winter yet one more, and then I don’t know what we’ll be doing next year. I’ll probably end up doing a lot of the data analysis and so on.

Just as an aside, so far I’ve got like 15 pages of notes just off of maybe a quarter of the primary data sets. This is what would usually lead to those two- or three-hundred initial pages of the old alter reports, which would get whittled down to maybe 50 pages. So there’s a lot of stuff going on. I thought, okay, I’ll go ahead and, as long as I’ve got the opportunity to get these data sets intermittently, I’ll go ahead and just do that while I’m out here this winter. You know, I like it out here. The storms are great. It keeps you occupied just dealing with that.

Our situation is that it’d be good in isolation to do that kind of work, so I’ll continue looking at it, especially since I’ve gotten into this section here that was somewhat surprising, and we’ll see where it goes. No promises, but I may be doing more audios in the future. Excuse me, later this winter. Anyway, I’ve got to go and swap that process now, and I’ll come back in a bit and we’ll continue.


Okay, back from a number of interruptions. Had a backup drive fail that had to be remounted and all different kinds of stuff. Making bread today and doing chores and so forth. Anyway, though, it’s a very large and robust data set with lots of crosslinks. I’ve got pages and pages of notes, but I’m not going to sit here and talk for hours about it, nor am I going to produce a 30- or 40-page report because of the amount of time that is involved. It takes me over a month to do those. But I wanted to get some of the highlights here because it’s very interesting.

I had initially decided, and I’m still of that mind, to not bother reporting yet more of the same kind of information. You know, we’re already paranoid. Thanks, but go away, kid, you’re bugging me, right?

Yes, there will be slurping. It’s early in the morning and I’ve got a lot of stuff going here. Anyway, so I wasn’t going to report yet more of the same. I need to do a little bit of that, but not much, and then point out something that I discovered just by scanning the data and thinking, wait a second, there appears to be a pattern emerging here. So I’ll be out there working on some other aspect of something, and this one screen is going, and it’s just scrolling up the data, it’s processing through, and you get to see things scroll back past at a fairly fast clip depending on what it’s getting into. And I started seeing that there was a rise of specific language that led me to the conclusion and the title of this particular talk, which is “The Discontinuity, Also the Line in Time.”

So that’s what I’ve come to think of this as now. Let’s back up a little bit and note that we’re past the M9 point, right? The M9 is the ninth degree up from the top of the obscuring plane of the galactic mass. So it’s an angle, right, and the “M” stands for marker, so it’s marker number nine, and it’s 9 degrees up. It was a coincidence that it happened that we passed it on May 8th or 9th of this year. What that is, is a point wherein Earth is 100% bathed in these extra energies from galactic center from that point forward for thousands of years. The only time we’re not being bathed with these energies is when we’re in the Kuga, which is when we’re down behind, down lower than M8, and thus we don’t get these extra energies from galactic center. Right between M8 and M9 degrees, you get an increasing amount of these energies such that there are changes perceptible around you, probably even within you, as this goes on. And that’s as you’re emerging from the K Yuga. There’s a corresponding period where you go back down from M9 to M8 on the descent into the next Kuga some 10,000 plus years from now. So for the next 10,000 plus years, we’re in these extra energies.

So we’ve crossed that, and that M9 point coincident to that happening in May of this year, we now find ourselves in a situation where our physical reality appears to be responding to that. Now, we can’t say for sure about some of these things, right? So humans could be doing things like HAARP and other manipulative kinds of energies and devices and causing these effects, but the effects are that the coastal currents are not behaving in a normal fashion. I live on the coast. I go down to that beach every day. I can see it from up here on the bluff. I’ve got a view out maybe 13 or 12 miles, and so I can actually observe the currents and their effect on the local waters. And it is true, they did not turn in their usual pattern, and we’ve had strange weather since then.

Usually, we get a pattern here of the current turning and being driven to the south sometime in the prelude to fall, which would be about now. What did happen last year was the current changed early, and it changed in July. It switched from a flowing north to a flowing south current. We can observe this because of the nature of our beach and the way the sand gets shifted in huge quantities as a result of these offshore currents changing. In any event, last year it changed early. This year it fractured, so it would be going north one period, then it would be going south a few days later, something I’d never observed before. And then there were also these periods of about two weeks as we came into, as we left July and came into August, in which there were multiple currents offshore. So you’d see parallel currents going from north to south with weak countercurrents on either side of them and in between them. So it’s just really bizarre.


At this moment, I’m also being informed that the jet streams have radically changed and are continuing and not recovering their usual patterns. They’re continuing in this upset. Now, that is one of the reasons that I decided, okay, maybe I should tell people about what’s going on in this larger view. Anyway, so we passed M9. Earth is now, for the next 10,000 years, going to be bathed in more and more of these energies, these emanations from the galactic center. This is apparently causing physical changes around us. Unless we get government owning up to doing it, we’re going to have to assume it’s a natural effect of this shift of the ages because we’re coming into that point where you’ve got to go ask the astrologers, but you know, Pluto or Neptune or somebody is going to cross the line into Aquarius pretty quick, and then we’re 100% in Aquarius, all of our solar system.

Because our solar system is large and spread out, dragged so to speak by the commentary effect of the Sun moving, it takes a while for all of the planets to be in the same region of space even though the whole solar system encased in its little energetic shell is beginning to get into that area. You know, we’re long hundreds and, or tens of thousands of, or hundreds of thousands of miles movement per second or per minute for the whole solar system, and still it takes us a long time to cross all of these points. So it will probably be another two years before the rest of the outer planets have passed the M9 point, but the inner planets have.

So is it coincident with these strange effects in air and water currents? It may not be anything more than a correlation because it could be man-made. They could be pumping in energy and doing these, but in any event, so that’s just part of the discontinuity that’s going on around us. We have discontinuity within humanity, all of the normies. The data was present about hyper-novelty entering that period, about the other large shifts we’ve gone through recently. These are likely being picked up by the data because of the effects on our solar system and these extra solar system emanations coming in. So the vibration of the galactic center is causing changes to us at a local level, and you know, it can be affecting the birds and all of this kind of stuff. But we can also say that all that 5G crud and everything else along those lines can also be causing this, so we can’t say for sure. All we can say is that, you know, there is likely a causal relationship, but there’s certainly a correlation.

Alright, so now here’s the thing. Within the data sets, I get a rising tension level that is connected to “unexpected” as a word. And that unexpected data set is an aspect and also an attribute of a larger data set that is appearing or a larger data theme that is appearing as a subset in many other sets and is also its own large set and is cross-linked to most of everything I’ve touched so far. I mean, there’s a lot yet unexamined, probably as much as 60% of the data processing has yet to be done, including the final part, which is all of these cross-links that can take days.

Anyway, the discontinuity comes out at all levels, and the discontinuity referenced within the data is not talking—I have yet to get into any of the physical reality descriptors, but it’s not commenting on what I’ve just talked about relative to currents. So the discontinuity is coming across as a general level of disruption, and I was examining all these sets because they are cross-linked at these top levels and undoubtedly will be cross-linked further down as I get into that processing level. But I started looking into these thinking, okay, there’s obviously—because of the sheer number of sets that have this aspect, attribute of discontinuity and unexpected in some cases, not in all of them, but in some cases—so I thought, well, there’s another large developing trend, right? This is very much occurring as had occurred with the hyper-novelty descriptors where we would lose all our authority and, you know, the breakdown of the colleges, the breakdown of academia, the breakdown of the assumption that, you know, all these journals are accurate and all these studies were real, all of this kind of stuff.

So that was a good, accurate prediction that emerged several years before, at least a year and a half before the actual events, and I was able to peg a line to it in terms of a time when we would be getting into it. I think I’m also able to do this with the discontinuity. And so we’re in a band of space that’s giving us more energy, but I think we’re also in a very large band of time that goes from now through to spring of next year, probably right up into April. There’s some pointers to intense periods of activity in December, January, and February, and I have yet to get into the processing and take it any further than that, but it looks to be supportive of the more general descriptors about the long term. And they again are pointing to discontinuity with unexpected events appearing within it, and the unexpected events are also described as being disruptive even in the middle of a large-scale disruption.


And so I’ve got sort of an explanation for this. Anyway, here’s my postulate. So my postulate here is that what the data is describing is the discontinuity of the birth pains arising for sci-fi world. And so what I think is going to be—what appears to be described is that in the midst of all of this chaos, all the war and all the other stuff, the political chaos, the breakdown of the social order, the mass immigration and all of that kind of stuff, which is going to erupt into kinetic activity all across the northern hemisphere—or, excuse me, in the non-cyclic areas of the northern hemisphere. So, you know, the Five Eyes Nations and then also Australia, New Zealand, that kind of thing, Canada, the U.S., to some extent Japan. There’s going to be active kinetic cultural clashing, alright? And so it’s going to be very disruptive, it’s going to be very upsetting, it’s going to be seriously disruptive to the social order. But that’s sort of like this birthing of yet more of the same kind of stuff because we’ve been in the culture war since, you know, before Trump’s election, you know, since probably before Obama’s election, just that a lot of people were unaware of this.

Now, the data sets are showing that this kinetic activity will start in September, it’ll get a big boost around October 2nd through the 8th of this year, and it’ll continue an intermittent sort of burbling background noise, continuously rising in tensions and so on, through winter and into spring of next year, where we get big blowups, okay? So big escalations of this kind of activity in spring of next year. The big escalations of this kind of activity are going to be fueled in part by the aspects of the discontinuity now. And so that’s the background for our play, okay? We’re watching center stage, we know that our lead is coming out, and it’s going to be the theme that we’re going to be seeing through the rest of the play. But we had to get to the understanding of what was going on in all this background activity, so we had to watch the half-hour introduction part of the play where all of these ancillary characters were introduced, and they’re the ones that we have now on our stage that we’re all aware of.

And basically, what I’m saying here is that the discontinuity is going to be the birth of sci-fi world. It’s going to be discontinuous, and it’s going to come out on the center of our stage, but it’s not going to be as a visibly paradigm-shattering element initially. So our main character in our disruption here is going to be technology, but along with that technology is going to be all of this stuff about UFOs. So we’re going to have aliens and UFOs swirling all around the center of our stage, basically obscuring from us the discontinuity itself, which is going to be the introduction of this technology that’s going to lead us into being sci-fi world. And the technology is so disruptive that it’s going to take 20 or 30 years. It’s going to upset things for 20 or 30 years.


There’s already a lot of long-term data and about a lot of long-term legal issues that pop off right at the beginning of the introduction of this technology. So I’m assuming that this is the zero-point technology, right, the ZPT stuff. It is described—the discontinuity in the technology level is described within the data as being a lightning eater. Okay, so a device that you could put up on your roof, so to speak, that would be not a lightning rod that grounds lightning, that takes lightning, converts it to electricity, puts it in a copper wire, and allows it to go to ground, but rather a device that would never allow lightning to happen because it would be constantly consuming the generating electricity at the ionic level up there. In other words, it would be altering your local environment. So, you know, I don’t get much lightning here anyway, but I never would with one of these devices up there simply because the static electricity and everything would be going into the creation of energy.

So the descriptions here of these lightning eaters as devices being the discontinuity of our social order from one age to the next. Okay, and so if you wanted to look at it a particular way, you could say that the discontinuity going into this last Kuga that we emerged from in 1699, but going into that 2,400 years earlier, the discontinuity going into it was the Abrahamic religion. But it also includes the Brahmic and some of the Asian religions, which all arose at that same time, okay? And so they were a discontinuity from what had come before them in a radical way, shifted humanity at a major level. And so that’s what we’re going to encounter and live through.

So in the sense that the Kuga, the entry into the Kuga all that time ago was what we could quote call biblical times, we are going to go through an energetic period that will replicate the biblical times in that it will be discontinuous for humanity and will cause major changes in humanity that will persist from this point forward, at least for thousands of years. So in that sense, it’s the next wave of these discontinuities, the last one being religion. This one’s going to be this Z-point technology, which apparently we’re going to have our society inoculated with.

Okay, so the data sets are talking about the problems that are going to arise from the impact on the existing power structure, but the existing power structure is collapsing anyway. The fiat currency systems are collapsing, and they’re going to take away all of these massive valuations that are non-existent in terms of realization. So you have to understand that a lot of our society is based on the idea that you’ve got an asset that a bank will loan against. And so if you’re an oil company, you’ve theoretically got a certain amount of assets in the ground in terms of, quote, proven reserves, where you’ve got some data that suggests that there’s this amount of oil in land that you control, and you can get a loan against it, right? And they place a valuation on that oil at the time that that loan is let out. But a lot of our social order is based on debt around these asset reserves that are sitting in the ground and theoretically are owned by someone or controlled by them to the point where you can get a loan off of them.


This, our discontinuity, is going to disrupt that seriously because if you’ve got a small device that provides you with all of your energy and you’ve got an electric car that doesn’t need a battery because it’s got one of these devices in it as well, then the whole structure of our social order based around petroleum as an energy source goes away. Now, I’m here to say that the petroleum is not going to go away, and we’re not going to stop drilling for this stuff, but we’re not going to burn it anymore. And also, by the way, it’s going to take 30 years for this to occur globally, and so we’re looking at a long, drawn-out process of discontinuity. But the petroleum will still be pumped to get the chemicals out of it because there’s things like natural gas and all the various different chemicals within petroleum, which, even if you’ve got Z-point energy and theoretically could alter other molecules, it’s just so easy to extract these very necessary and serviceable industrial chemicals from oil, and we do that now. It’s just that we burn a lot of the oil.

So our social order and the valuation based on these pools of oil and other resources are going to change, but that was going to happen anyway because of the collapse of the debt structure based on the dollar and all these bank loans on everything, right? So that stuff’s happening anyway.


So in that sense, we’re due to and running into a long-predicted discontinuity relative to the financial structure, but what the data is now showing is that we’re getting a discontinuity relative to technology. The discontinuity is being described as being inoculated into the social order, and inoculation is an interesting word because we’re talking about the form of it used for things like inoculating compost for a mushroom farm, right? And that’s where you spread spores throughout the compost, you stir it all up, and then you put it in a place and let it do its thing. And so we’re talking about inoculation of this technology into our social order at that same level.

So the data sets are explicitly not describing a single point of entry into the social order anywhere geographically or whatever and are explicitly describing something that’s going to be located on many different spots around the planet. And apparently, it’s the eruption of our seeded inoculant in the form of these devices that are all working on this other physics technology. Now, where these things come from, whether they’re native inventions or whether they’re seeded ideas, concepts, and devices from reverse-engineered alien stuff, I can’t say. I don’t have that level of data set. That’s within the latter half of the processing, and I might get some hints of the origin of these things. All I’m really showing is that the inoculated area is spread out through the social order in a more or less organic fashion, and that the alterations within the paradigm begin sometime around December 7th. That’s not to say that the technology is introduced then; it could have been introduced now, and it would take that long for it to show up at some point. We’re not talking a big splash in media; we’re talking about the percolation through media of these ideas bubbling on up to your awareness and then fading out, then another one bubbling up, etc., over the course of these next six or eight months such that by the time we get into spring of next year, we really begin to get into the birth part of sci-fi world, its emergence to where we can recognize that we’re in that process and can see it happening around us.

So in that sense, spring of next year, so getting into the end of March, first part of April of 2025, in spite of all of the chaos, in spite of all of the degradation, in spite of the destruction of the fiat currency and the political tensions and warfare and all of that kind of crap—and there’s going to be a lot of it—but in spite of all of that, we’ll get a real sense, if you’re aware, of the emergence of the sci-fi world technology or the supporting technology for sci-fi world starting to come on out into our social order. And this will also be commensurate with maybe the second or third month of very large-scale explorations of our history, of planetary history. So maybe there’s going to be a big conference on alternative histories or something next year that’s going to cause this real intense pursuit of it around the planet for a couple of months, but that’ll be ongoing for a couple of months, and then we’ll get into the observable spread of supporting technologies for our sci-fi world. And by observable, I mean they will be reported, likely on the internet. And still, even though we’re going to go through some hellacious stuff and a lot of the normies are going to wake up, still a lot of people won’t give this stuff credit because it’ll still be surrounded by aliens and UFOs, and they have these inbuilt triggers in their minds to not accept UFO information. You know, it’s been hammered into them all their lives. You can’t really blame them for this.


So the data is showing a bunch of reasonably mundane things that get all mixed up with this discontinuity. And by reasonably mundane, I mean like as the fiat currencies are degrading, we’re going to see a big uptake and uptick in the value and use of cryptos, okay? And that’ll be commensurate with the emergence of this discontinuity and the new technology for sci-fi world. These lightning eaters sometime next year. It’s not just the lightning eaters, okay, as there’s going to be a lot of aspects of this underlying new physics coming out. That’s why I say the inoculation is like a mushroom where you would deliberately inoculate the straw within compost in order to seed the mushroom bed. Looks like somebody’s doing that to our social order within the data sets.


So while I can’t say that it’s not organic in terms of not native human development, it really does appear that there’s some concerted effort to distribute and manifest this technology within the human social order, within humanity. Now, there’s all kinds of dangers with this technology because it is so powerful, and it can easily be misused by warped human minds, and so we’re going to have to watch out for that. But it does appear that we’re in the process as of the month of August. Now bear in mind, my data was collected many months ago, and it does appear that we’re in the process in that band, that line in time that’s going to define pre-sci-fi world, or the remnants of the Kuga world from the emerging age of Aquarius or the emerging ascending Dwapara Yuga that we’re in—the Bronze Age and the sci-fi world growing up from that.

So it’s going to be a time of great changes over these next—well, the next 30 years, but over these next couple of years, there’ll be a time of great changes conceptually as humanity is forced to reimagine, rethink what humanity is, our history, and where we’re going, what we can do. I think this will all be greatly exciting, but of course, it’s going to be happening within the midst of all of this chaos and stuff.


So you can imagine it as though there was like a soccer riot between a couple of soccer teams in a high school, right? Two different high schools, and they’re close by each other, and there’s just a general riot in one of the schools as the soccer hooligans of each school have at the other soccer hooligans. And then the rest of the students from each school kind of find their loyalty being tugged at, and they join into it all, so there’s just a general melee going on of people being rough and abusive to each other. And within the midst of all of this, you know, a guy emerges from a science lab and says, “Hey, Eureka, I did it,” you know, something like that. And this kind of scene is going on at a local level all around in various different spots all around the planet in variations of that general theme of this technology sort of leaking out in the midst of all of this other chaos.

Now, we still have the data sets for unfulfilled temporal markers for riots that induce break-ins to government facilities or officialdom facilities and the release of documents that are seized by the rioters and spread throughout the internet because they relate to UFOs and technology and other secret government stuff. That’s still pending. That’s not showing up in the data sets I’ve got so far in this new data run. I’m just pointing out that we’re still within that time from this long-ago forecast temporal marker, and now we have new temporal markers that are emerging relative to sci-fi world deciding to manifest, to be born at this time in the midst of the rest of our chaos.


Here, a lot of the data sets so far are suggesting and have links to an increase in vibrations, which may also link over to the physical reality here in terms of our currents, our air and water currents, because these vibrations that are talking about are frequency changes within space, what we can think of as space. We’re really talking about a frequency change within our local ether or local etheric environment being forecast, and this will cause some level of discomfort for a lot of people over a longish period of time. Maybe it’s many hours, maybe it’s many days. I don’t know. It’s not possible to determine yet and may never be. I mean, it may not have that level of detail in it, but the frequency changes are going to cause that ringing in the ears effect, not like tinnitus, okay, so not like that sort of thing, but rather the extremely high frequency, I guess, buzz or screech or whatever that you’ll get from a single hair within the ears vibrating at its very tip in response to energies that are around you.

So if you were to go into a highly charged, highly static electrically charged environment, like a powerhouse at a dam, and you’re going through there, you may notice that in spite of all the massive amounts of noise, you’ll still hear this extremely high-pitched frequency for the duration of the time you’re in there. There’s a lot of environments where you have this, but basically, the data is describing an electrical effect that’s going to be part of this discontinuity or happen within it over these next number of months in this band, this line in time that’s going to mark our pre-sci-fi and post-sci-fi world emergence.


We’re also getting a lot of data sets about UFO visitors again, so I’m getting a lot of increase in tension around the language around UFO and also around UAPs. Now, it’s difficult to separate out even correlations, let alone causations, within the data because it just happens to appear at the same time. So there’s a lot of language around contention, strife, distress, these kinds of things relative to UFOs. But we’re also in a period of time where that kind of language is going to dominate anyway, so we’re going to have a lot of language about distress, whether we get UFOs or not, simply because humanity is in this tense period of time as we’re adjusting to these extra energies coming in from the galactic center and that’s triggering all of this crap.


It’s my supposition, by the way, that the Elohim worship cult, the ONANs, had thought that this period of time would occur in 2051, okay? And they had to keep bringing it forward. Their agenda used to be Agenda 2050, and then they had to bring it forward to Agenda 2030, and then they basically had to launch it in 2020. And I believe that they had to do that because they were attempting to coordinate with this period of time when we would have these extra energies, or rather to get ahead of it. I think they’re very much, very much scared, very fearful of the effects of these energies on humans and their ability to maintain control, which as we see now is a very valid fear on their part because they are losing control rapidly.

Just as an aside, we have a very large set, demonstrably large set within the data just appearing on its own within all of the contention and so forth here, that is again going to the idea of Israel and at a larger sense Jews globally getting a lot of [CENSORED], okay? But in any event, it’s talking about so much stuff coming out and a significant change in language and how people are dealing with Jews and how Jews respond, and this is going to emerge over this period of time as well and continue for a number of years. It’s a very long-term set of language here. Again, yet more of the same, yet more manifest hatred for Israelis and yet manifest ideas of guilt by association that because the Israelis do this, all Jews are evil. So, you know, yet more of that.


We do have temporal markers for December 7th. I’ve got temporal markers for January 18th running through Valentine’s Day, February 14th. So we’re going to have nearly a month of very interesting activity then. Lots of contention, open contention, battles, that kind of thing. Let’s see, there’s so much, but I don’t want to get down into any of the detail levels really because then we get lost in the weeds for a long time here. We’re going to have a goose’s cooked kind of Christmas here, I think, in the sense that the data is showing that the power elite have a mindset change and go into fleeing mode in December. And it’s very much described as they’re fleeing because they’re afraid their goose or their ass is going to be cooked. And part of the way that they’re fleeing is by the creation of disruption in the sense of local battles on the ground and described here even including fistfights in British Parliament. But doing these human versus human kind of things while the Elohim worship cult packs up its bags and gets the hell out of town. And it does show that that’s going on.

But also, it’s showing here that there’s going to be serious conditions. So this may be actually forecasting an armed revolution in the UK, not just England, and including Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, and to some extent the Falklands. And so it may actually be saying that by the time we get in—so the temporal marker then in January relative to the UK government—may be saying that the UK government has fallen by then to an armed revolution, not a rebellion, not an insurrection, but an armed revolution taking over by force. That would occur in the intervening period, the end of fall into winter. It’s not going to be a single day kind of thing; it will play out over about three or four weeks, but the government’s relatively weak, and it will collapse within a month, sort of thing.

This has huge ramifications for Canada. It has huge ramifications for Australia and New Zealand, much more so for Canada than the others, though. And there’s a period that’s described as redistribution. So, for instance, that may be that all of the royal lands are redistributed. It’s a somewhat chaotic scriptor set for that part of things. For the U.S. at that period of time from December onward, the 7th marks again a “day of infamy” kind of thing because on the surface, we’re going to have all kinds of fighting and contentious activity. But it also may be marking, as I say, the introduction or the inoculation of some of these devices and their appearance if we can, you know, keep our eyes peeled for them right now.

So I’m not going to go into any more of the data. This has been going on for 48 minutes; that’s long enough. But I do want to make a couple of points here before I sign off. I do not—I think Rife technology is really cool, but I also think it’s wonky if you’re trying to use the frequencies that Rife put out, okay? Because when he did that, we were in a virtually non-existent electromagnetic field environment. We didn’t have 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, or 5G. We didn’t have anything other than telegraph wires, basically, in the original wired delivery of electricity. And so the general environment was very low for any frequencies. Now, whatever frequencies Rife came up with are not absolute; they’re relative to all of the other frequencies that you’re so to know that you’ve got a frequency of, you know, 11337, and it’s going to supposedly fix your knee is meaningless because that 11337 was developed back in the 1920s, and now it would have to be factored into it all the additional frequencies that are circulating around in my environment that may be adding to whatever the hell is going on with my knee, right?

So the Rife machine will be inadequate. It may still function to some degree, but those frequencies will be inadequate based on what Rife had originally discovered.

Now, that basic premise is also true of these med beds. So the med beds idea comes and it has qualifications that you have to understand. So if I had a med bed right now, I wouldn’t go anywhere near it, right? I would be discouraging my wife from using it even in her condition and a desperate need for that level of fixing. I would be discouraging because there is no way of telling how the introduction of crude energy into the human body is going to function over the long term. So I have a SCENAR, alright? This was developed by the Russians back in the 1980s, I think, and really perfected in the ’90s. And it’s a device intended to be used in space because you can’t take drugs in space, right? And so these are basically little pulsed electricity and electromagnetic field handheld devices that you put on the affected area, and you turn on to specific frequencies, but they’re always having to adjust their frequencies as we go forward in time. And you get update sheets all the time on these frequencies because of the very thing I cited relative to the Rife machine. That is, we’re exposed to 5G now, where we didn’t have this 10 years ago. Therefore, all the frequencies for the SCENAR have to change because that 5G is now out and about, and it has to compete with and deal with those frequencies entering into the body that you’re attempting to correct.

So, in my opinion, the med beds would have the same issue, right? You can have an AI in there, but AI is its own problem. There’s no AI on this planet that is more than 50% accurate, okay? They will claim 70% and 80%, but they’re never audited. And even if they were audited, there’s no consensus on what counts as a success relative to these AIs, which are basically data-mining, deep data-mining, indices-generating systems. They don’t think; they don’t make conclusions. If it’s not written down somewhere in a database, they can’t provide it to you. They’re not creative. So AI controlling a med bed is a non-starter. Alien AI controlling a med bed would be such a fearful thing to encounter. You’re really going to give, you know, an alien AI control of your body? And that’s what it comes down to. Even if there was no alien AI involved, just having human AI involved, these people are going to make mistakes constantly. So, in my opinion, I would be very discouraging of anybody participating within these med beds.

Now, I want to be very clear. There’s nothing in my data sets here that is suggesting that med beds are going to emerge. We’re talking about zero-point technology. People have associated it with med beds because they think somehow that we’re going to get to this understanding of energy that will allow us to take up energy in a harmonious bioelectrical fashion. When my SCENAR puts electricity into me, it’s putting in crude electricity. When the Rife machine does that, it’s putting in radio frequency as well as crude electricity. The radio frequency and crude electricity our bodies are not designed to accept. So there is some benefit to it, but it’s not like it’s really curative. It’s relative, right? So it can treat symptoms. So you can do biophotonic stuff. So I’ve got one of those FlexBeam red light things, and I use it on my knee, and it’s very palliative. It aids the pain, reduces the inflammation, and this kind of stuff, but it does not in any way cure you. And that’s the idea of a med bed, that it would actually rearrange the molecular structure of your body and sort of repair your DNA and stuff. And this is not in any way being described in the data and has had no appearance in the data sets and is not showing up other than within the data sets linguistically as being connected to scams. And those scams are connected to other scams like NESARA, GESARA, QFS, right, and the revaluation of all of these currencies, which are not going to happen. You’re not going to be made fantastically wealthy by the downtrodden citizens of Zimbabwe because Zimbabwe decides that, oh, they’re going to give you currency for their old currency. That’s not how this [CENSORED] works. If you buy their currency, they get old currency, they get a free boost in the sense of that money coming into their economy, but they don’t have to honor that old currency, and there’s no incentive for them to do so. So, you know, get wise to these scams, people.

And also, like I say, the med bed language is only connected to scams within the data sets. And I am not suggesting that any of this zero-point technology is in any way going to cure anybody’s physical ills. There are ways to cure this stuff, but you have to understand that your body has been under assault as long as you’ve been on this planet, deliberately, by the Elohim worship cult, the Pharisees, the Rabbinical Councils, the Jews—however you want to term it. Your body has been under assault, and the ills you suffer now from that body can be tied back to their currency, causing fats to be removed from the diet and people having to subsist on oils, okay? That did a huge amount of damage to the population in a general way, as well as damaging people’s DNA and this kind of thing. And so we’ve been under assault. So why should they fix you up with a med bed, right?


Anyway, so there’s no logic in this affirmation that med beds are around the corner. There is no logic in the devices that use TV screens, which are primarily blue light generators, to flash lights up and tell you you’re being healed by some kind of biophotonic stuff from something three or four feet away from you. With the biophotonic stuff, you’ve got to get those emitters as close as possible to the skin to get the absorption that you want, and they will always primarily be in the red spectrum until we can generate pure brown and magenta, which we can’t yet do.


Anyway, so I’ll break it off now. It’s almost an hour. There are a lot of data sets for the contention and stuff, so just be advised that things are going to get really ugly in humanity for probably—you can think for like the next eight months, nine months or so. Nine months fittingly for the birth of sci-fi world, and things then will calm down a bit relative to the contention. Although hopefully, we’ll see some calming before that.

Anyway, guys, take care. Very energetic, very scary times, but on the other side of it, we’ve got sci-fi world, which is going to be its own challenges, but it’ll be really cool.


Now you HAVE to read MWinger’s original post that we first brought you a couple weeks ago….

How incredible is it that this is almost identical to what Clif is describing?

Govt Concealed Tech That Could Prevent FAMINE, Protect from Dangerous 5G & 10Xs Your Health?

PRO TIP: use the Email button above to email yourself this article so you don’t lose it!

It’s that time again.

Time to dig into the secrets that have been kept from us.

And this is a BIG one.

And it might just save your life.

So grab a mug of your favorite drink and settle in.

I’ll wait.

Okay, let’s begin!




That’s what our rulers want us to have.

But there’s another way.

This article is broken into 2 parts.

  1. The 1st part is about food shortages and what you can do about it.
  2. The 2nd part is what you can do to help your body. The information I’ll be sharing was life changing for my own mom just a few months ago who was recovering from a serious stroke, so be sure you to read that part.


It’s not much of a stretch to think that the Establishment has written “Create Food Shortage” on their calendar.

No food = you die.

What can we do about it?

  1. We can stock up and prepare in advance.
  2. Another thing we can do is use electro culture to super size your food, for those that grow their own. It will also speed up the growing process.

This may be the very thing that gives you more than enough to weather what’s coming our way.

What is electro culture?

It’s a technique in harnessing energy to boost the plants growth.

But the government used the media to attack it and use slurs against those that benefited from it.

Here’s 3 pages from Justin Christofleau’s book, Electroculture (1927):

(That’s a link to a free PDF of the book)

How is it done?

Well, the main tool to this government concealed technique is…copper.

(There’s been research that it can be applied to humans as well. I’ll explain that at the end.)

You see, this used to be a popular way to grow food.

But the problem was, it created an abundance of food.

The food was too large.

And too plentiful.

We know that’s not good for our greedy overlords. They live by the rule of scarcity.

So they convinced farmers that if they grow too much food, the price they charged for food would go down, and they wouldn’t sell as much, and they’d have to throw it away and lose profits.

Didn’t take too long for the farmers to abandon this technique.

But we aim to live by the rule of abundance, to take back what was stolen from us long ago.

In every area.

So we’re rediscovering how things used to be in regards to our food.

Here’s a short clip that shows the results of using electro culture for your garden:

It’s basically a copper wire wrapped around a stick. (It doesn’t have to be a bamboo stick).

Our current farming practice is completely backwards.

Use tools that are covered in rust on food that we consume? Terrible!

More and more people are jumping in and trying out electro culture.

And they’re blown away by the results!

Give it a try!

It’ll be a fun experiment you can do and watch the results over the summer.

Just to remind you, there’s different thickness when it comes to copper wire.

The thicker, the better.

So swing by Lowe’s or Home Depot and have them cut it off the spool for you, rather than the thin one that comes in a pack for about $7.

But the thin wire would be good if that’s all you’ve got.

Here’s a side by side clip that shows a group of plants using the antenna vs the same type not using the antenna:

There’s energy all around us that we can tap into.

This isn’t some ‘spiritual’ or ‘new age’ idea.

That’s the lie we’ve been told.

This is just science.

An area of science omitted from the school books.

Check this clip out.

A guy is getting energy from a tree – he plugs a light bulb into it and it lights up!

And if you’d rather have a “done for you” solution, these are my favorite ones currently on Amazon and the ones I purchased and use in my own garden (and at the time I’m writing this you can also clip a 5% off coupon too right on Amazon):


These antennas also seem to mess with chem trails.

Are you ready for this?


Now what if you could harness this power and apply it to your body?

There’s 2 ways that I know of:

  1. Option 1, Grounding (also called Earthing) There’s electrons in the soil and so walking barefoot on it will absorb those into your body. Especially if the soil is a bit damp. Water is a good at conducting energy. (The rubber in the soles of your shoes blocks the electrons in the earth from being absorbed.)
  2. Option 2, Wear a Q-Link pendant necklace.

First let’s look at how 5G affects your blood.

(Ignore his anti-Trump remark. Trump has a plan to deal with 5G)

This guy tests the blood of those affected by 5G smart meters.

He shows what the blood looks like – it’s shocking!


Now let’s look at how grounding affects your blood:

The blood cells are charged from the electrons absorbed from the earth.

That keeps them separated from each other, meaning, they won’t clump but they’ll flow as they should.

What if you’re like me, and you don’t have a grassy yard?

You could stand barefoot on the pavement, but it’s not as powerful and with 100 degree weather, that’s not very appealing.

Also, how long can you ground in your busy schedule?

5 minutes a week?

(Well, you can touch trees. There’s a reason why “tree huggers” were mocked by the Establishment. But how long are you gonna hug that tree?)

That’s why the 2nd option I suggest is:

Wear a Q-Link pendant.

Within it is a copper coil, similar to that used in electro culture.

Let’s check the blood cells of those that wear the pendant and compare it to the results from grounding:

Almost identical!

But with grounding, you’re only doing that for a few minutes, maybe an hour? Then the shoes go back on and you’re back to the real word.

But the necklace?

You just leave it on all day and all night.

So far, over 1 million of these bad boys have been sold.

Now, I don’t claim to fully understand how this works. I’m not a scientist. I’ve just seen it work really well on a lot of people.

The company states the technology in the pendant will give you:

More vitality, greater focus, improved performance, and better stress response.

Many wearers claim it helps your body to deal with EMFs (electro magnetic frequencies).

I believe it helps, not by stopping the EMFs, but by boosting the state of your body so it will combat the effects of EMFs.

I was shocked to discover that one of the founders who came across this technology happened to perform and record with The Beach Boys!

You may have noticed a few celebrities wearing it over the years.

Here’s Simon Le Bon of Duran Duran:

For you golfers out there (someone get a Q-Link for Trump!) it will boost your performance on the green.

In fact, a whopping 97% of the subjects improved their stress levels.

And that was from wearing the pendant for LESS than 1 minute.

(By the way, how cool is it that it’s called the “Q” Link?  Things that make you go hmmmmmmm)

The author of Yoga of Golfers, Katherine Roberts, says:

Q-Link will help lower your golf score by quieting the mind, relaxing the body.

SFGate reports:

Jimmy Page, one of rock’s all-time guitar heroes, is featured on the cover of this month’s Rolling Stone sporting his from way back. Lindsay Lohan was photographed wearing hers after she checked out of rehab. And more than 300 golfers in the PGA wear theirs; 120 championships on the links have been won with them, and many on the tour say it’s all because of the Q-Link.

Bruce Fleisher, 2001 U.S. Senior Open Champ said, “The week after I put it on, I won the Senior Open. Was it luck? Absolutely. Destiny? You better believe it.”

There’s more. “It was amazing. In the space of a few weeks, the guy pitching the opener of the World Series, Josh Beckett, flying out of his shirt was the Q-Link and then Alex Shabalov, the U.S. chess champ, was wearing it,” said Richard Gray, president and CEO of Clarus Transphase Scientific Inc., maker of Q-Link. “In a chess blog, he said he put it on and it helped him to win the tournament.”

TruthinAging tested it out:

When I put it on, the effects were astoundingly immediate.  This was when I returned from a trip to Scotland and had to DJ that night.  My schedule would have had me slipping in and out of consciousness around 10pm, but wearing the Q-Link had me showing no signs of fatigue. In fact, I felt great!

Believe it or not, athletes swear by this as its reported to improve mental focus and endurance, and I’ll have to vouch for them as it definitely makes me feel more aware  and productive at the gym.  I think of it as acupuncture around your neck; I feel harmonized, I sleep well, my sense of well-being is spot on and my “chi” has never been so aligned.  And that jet-lag?  Done and done.”

I’m sharing this because I want to share my own personal testimonial with you.

Q-Link helped my mom, who was huffing and puffing as she tried walking up the stairs.

I’ll never forget seeing that. It disturbed me.

Her health wasn’t the same after having a stroke last year.

I was worrying that she might have another.

Then it dawned on me.

“Duh, get her a Q-Link!” Of course. I just had a feeling in my gut (that was probably God) to order her one.

So I got her one and she changed over night! Well, around day 2 or day 3 of wearing it is when she showed me the change.

She said “Look at this!” and then preceded to go up and down the stairs like normal. She couldn’t believe it!

She said she even felt more energetic.

Talk about a sigh of relief.

So, I put a link below so you can order one. I’m hoping it will bless you as much as it did my family.

I pray God gets this to the right people.

Do I have a pendant?

Heck yeah I do.

Now, I’m fairly healthy so I don’t have a big recovery story.

But what I did notice is that the headaches I would get every week, were almost non-existent. Writing this now, I can’t recall the last headache I had. Thank God!

About 4 months ago (I know, I should’ve shared this sooner) I took it off for a bit just to wear a different normal necklace.

About a week or so later I thought ‘Why am I getting these headaches again? Am I eating more sugar?’

Then it hit me.

I stopped wearing my Q-Link!

Popped it back on immediately.

Haven’t made that mistake since.

Also, I do sleep great.

You might get more dreams wearing this too. That seems to be a common effect.

Click here to get your own Q-Link:

Hang on, I just remembered. I used the code “RENEW” when I got my mom her necklace. It gave me, I think 10% off?

You can try that it out, see if it still works. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to share that?

NOTE: These are just my personal testimonials, from my own personal experience.  Things I have witnessed.  I cannot tell you these are medical devices, because they are not.  I cannot claim they will diagnose, treat or cure any disease, health or medical condition whatsoever.

You know, the same lying bastards that…

settled a lawsuit over some of its posts about ivermectin, including what may have been one of its more popular pandemic-era social media campaigns.

In August 2021, to discourage people from using ivermectin to prevent or treat Covid-19, the FDA tweeted “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Serious y’all. Stop It.” and posted a similar message on Instagram.

Can we trust the FDA?

Personally, if the FDA doesn’t endorse an item, I’m all for it.

And if they’re against something, I friggin’ embrace!

But that’s just me.

Here are some other unsolicited testimonials I found from people who had similar experiences to me:

Here’s a recent testimonial from a ‘techie’ YouTuber, stating how his stress levels are basically zero, and his trouble falling asleep is over. He’s now sleeping like a baby.

So give it a try.

Implement the gardening technique that the Establishment hates.

Wrap some copper wire around sticks and add the to your garden.

And put a Q-Link around you neck.


Then stand back and watch the magnificence genius of God’s creation do it’s thing.

Nothing in this article shall be deemed as claiming any product can diagnose, treat or cure any disease, health or medical condition whatsoever.  We cannot give you personalized medical advice.  

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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