HomePoliticsBiden Suffers Most Crushing Blow Yet from Inside His Own Cabinet: 'He...

Biden Suffers Most Crushing Blow Yet from Inside His Own Cabinet: 'He Can't Run'

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Two weeks after President Joe Biden disgraced himself on in a nationally televised debate with Donald Trump, the bad news for Biden keeps getting worse.

His Democratic Party is in disarray as rebellions spurt and fizzle. His Hollywood connections are turning on him.

And on Wednesday, NBC’s Chuck Todd revealed at least one of Biden’s own cabinet secretaries thought the president shouldn’t be running for re-election — two years ago.

Todd dropped the brutal blow on his podcast, “The Chuck ToddCast,” during an interview with Politico columnist Jonathan Martin, discussing the “open secret” of Biden’s failing abilities.

The full podcast is available here, with the key conversation coming between the 12:30 and 13:30 marks.


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But clips are appearing on social media:

“The politicians of the Democratic Party in the last few days have shown that a lot of them don’t have the courage of their convictions,” Martin said. “They simply aren’t going to stand up and say in public what they’ve been telling folks like us in private for years. This is not a new story.”

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It might be enraging to Americans to learn that politicians have been telling establishment media personalities their opinions about the president and that those personalities haven’t seen fit to pass them on. But what Todd said is even worse.

“Jonathan, I’m not going to out the cabinet secretary,” Todd said.

“But I had a cabinet secretary two years ago, two years ago, out of the blue asked me, ‘Do you really think he’s gonna? He can’t run again like this.’ And I said, ‘Well, you have more interaction with him than I do.’ And they said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. And this was two years ago.

“This is one of the classic open secrets, or non-versation. It’s the story everyone knows, and everyone is afraid to talk about.”

For Biden, the admission could be the most crushing blow yet.


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But there’s more to it.

“Everyone is afraid” in this case apparently includes Chuck Todd, a guy whose simpering face has been a part of the American political conversation going back to the Obama years.

Todd could have used his platform on television, when he was hosting “Meet the Press,” say, or as NBC’s “chief political analyst” to maybe let the rest of the country in on the fact that Biden’s inner circle, including a “pretty senior cabinet secretary,” thought the president was in no condition to run for re-election back in 2022.

Since that also would have clued Americans in to the fact that the guy who’s in the Oval Office is overdue for a quiet retirement home somewhere, it might have had a big effect on national politics — maybe the midterm elections would not have been the red wave that fizzled. Maybe disastrous Democratic programs like the “Inflation Reduction Act” would not be law.

Maybe the nation’s enemies abroad — as surely aware of Biden’s failings as Chuck Todd and his cabinet secretary are — might not have been emboldened to take actions if the United States had been honestly informed about the character of its leader. Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 — just over two years ago. Hamas invaded Israel in October, far less than two years ago. History is a funny thing.

Maybe if “journalists” did their jobs in other words, instead of acting as gatekeepers for whatever the Democratic Party might be pushing as “truth” on any given day, the United States and the world might be in a better position right now.

Heck, and while we’re spitballing like this, maybe that cabinet secretary might have had the patriotism and guts to step forward in public and tell the country exactly what’s going on behind closed doors. (It’s a gut guess here, but does anyone else see Pete Buttigieg in this conversation? Sounds like his smirking style.)

It might be that Todd was expecting applause for finally coming clean with his story. But the social media reaction was outrage — and well-justified at that.

And this one, from Newsmax’s Greta Van Sustern, put it perfectly:

“And Chuck Todd kept this a secret?” Van Sustern wrote. “I guess he was more worried about getting access for his career over putting spotlight for nation on a serious issue.”

An ounce of integrity among the American political elite, an ounce of honesty among men and women whose jobs are literally supposed to be being honest, would have had the Biden infirmity story in the national conversation years ago — not mainly the province of conservative news sites dedicated to bringing the American people the truth about what the mainstream media outlets are hiding, or trying to pretend away.

Instead, the establishment media, including Chuck Todd’s own NBC, has spent the time pursuing former President Donald Trump, covering the sham criminal and civil cases against him as though they were the wheels of justice turning righteously forward, and deliberately perverting the nation’s politics in the service of the left.

Now that Biden exposed himself in a debate that his campaign demanded, the “journalists” of Chuck Todd’s ilk are suddenly visible in a new light, like cockroaches on the kitchen floor when a switch turns on.

The only difference is, Todd is actually trying to take credit. At least the cockroaches have the decency to run for cover.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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