HomePoliticsBillionaire Investor Ray Dalio: “U.S. Is On The Brink, 1 In 3...

Billionaire Investor Ray Dalio: “U.S. Is On The Brink, 1 In 3 Chance of Civil War” * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

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Why is it that every week these days a new billionaire is sounding the alarm and saying we’re on the brink of failure and collapse as a country?  And as the US Dollar?

Just last week we had this one:

JUST IN: Billionaire Real Estate Investor Barry Sternlicht Expects One Bank Failure PER WEEK!

And don’t forget about this:

Why Are Billionaires Building Underground Bunkers?

And now the latest….

Billionaire Ray Dalio.

You probably know the name, but do you know his bio?

Check this out:

Ray Dalio is a renowned billionaire investor, philanthropist, and founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the world’s largest and most successful hedge funds. Dalio’s remarkable career in finance spans over four decades, during which he has earned a reputation for his deep understanding of global markets and his innovative approach to investment strategies.

Born in 1949, Dalio graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance from Long Island University and later earned an MBA from Harvard Business School. His educational background laid a solid foundation for his future success in the financial world. In 1975, he founded Bridgewater Associates, which has since grown into a leading global investment firm, managing over $150 billion in assets.

Dalio is celebrated for his accurate economic predictions and his ability to navigate complex market environments. His prescient insights during the 2008 financial crisis and his strategic adjustments helped Bridgewater Associates emerge stronger, cementing his status as a visionary investor. He has authored several books, including the best-selling “Principles: Life & Work,” which offers valuable lessons on management, investing, and personal development.

Throughout his illustrious career, Dalio has received numerous accolades, including being named to Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world. His philanthropic efforts are equally impressive, with significant contributions to education, health, and social causes through the Dalio Foundation.

Might be wise to listen to him!

Here’s what he just said:

Here’s more, from NewsBreak:

Bridgewater hedge fund founder and billionaire speculator Ray Dalio is increasingly looking elsewhere for attractive and stable investments.

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio believes the chances of a second American Civil War stand better than one out of three and is urging investors to move part of their assets out of the country.

Dalio, who founded the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates before relinquishing control in September 2022, believes this year’s presidential election between incumbent Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump is the most important one of his lifetime and be serve as a litmus test that determines whether risks spiral out of control.

“We are now on the brink,” he told the Financial Times in an interview published on Thursday, estimating the probability of strife erupting at somewhere between 35% to 40%.

Civil war seemed inconceivable only a few years ago. But the Jan. 6 scenes of angry mobs sacking the Capitol—beamed into living rooms and narrated by a British ITV news team in real time—were all too reminiscent of political revolts in third world countries.

The idea of a “national divorce”, proposed last year by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, has since been brought to the silver screen by director Alex Garland in the simply named Civil War released in April. A Rasmussen poll conducted shortly thereafter suggested 41% of likely U.S. voters believe they will experience a civil war sometime in the next five years.

November’s election and the reactions to it will play a crucial role in determining whether the system can still heal itself—or pessimistic U.S: voters are right.

“Will there be an acceptance of the rules and an ability to work well under those rules?” the Bridgewater founder asked.

So….what can you do about it?

I’ll cover that in just a bit.

First, keep reading here — did you know this?

U.S. Dollar DOWNGRADED Due To “Governance Deterioration”

Something big happened yesterday and you might have missed it amidst all the Trump Arraignment coverage.

In fact, it was something we’ve been warning you about for a long time.

Specifically, Bo Polny has been telling you for almost two years now that the Dollar is about to CRASH.

When he first said it people thought he was crazy.


Now it doesn’t look so crazy, not at all.

Especially not in light of what just happened yesterday.

Credit Rating Agency Fitch just DOWNGRADED the U.S. Dollar.

And in case your eyes just glazed over a bit because you don’t know what all of this means, let me make it very simple for you…

Have you ever bought a car or a house?

What does the bank look at before they give you a loan?

Your Credit Score.

Well, just like you have a Credit Score the United States also has a credit score.

And that Credit Score just went down.

That really shouldn’t be any big surprise because this chart (based on 2022 numbers) shows you how the U.S. Government is managing its budget — as compared to a Family Budget.

So it takes the ratios of the U.S. Government spending and budget and it puts those into how it would look for a family earning the Median Income in the U.S.

The results are stunning:

Would a bank give a loan to someone with these numbers?

No way.

Not in a million years.

So…why do other countries still trust the U.S. Dollar?

Simple, only one reason: “the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government”.

In other words, investors and other countries trust that the U.S. Government will always pay its bills — somehow.

And so far that’s true, the U.S. Government has never defaulted.

But the minute that confidence and trust in the U.S. Government goes away?

BOOM — you’ll have an instant and sharp crash of the U.S. Dollar.

And that’s why this downgrade is so important.

Because they cite “governance deterioration” as one of the main reasons:

Simply put: we now have LESS faith and confidence that the U.S. Government will actually pay its bills in the future because the country is being run so terribly!

Hello Joe Biden!

Kevin O’Leary confirms it’s bad — “There’s no way to sugarcoat this.”

Interestingly, the U.S. Credit Rating has only been cut one other time in history.

Care to guess when that was?


When Joe Biden was Vice President and Barack Hussein Obama was busy destroying this country in much the same way that Joe is doing right now.

Reuters has more details:

The dollar rose on Wednesday as investors shrugged off Fitch’s U.S. credit rating downgrade while data showing a larger-than-expected increase in private payrolls in July bolstered the greenback as it points to labor market resilience.

Private payrolls rose by 324,000 jobs last month, the ADP National Employment report showed, more than an increase of 189,000 that economists polled by Reuters had forecast.

The U.S. labor market is gradually slowing after the Federal Reserve’s hiking of interest rates by 525 basis points since March 2022. But the economy remains strong, as indicated by the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow running estimate of real GDP growth for the third quarter at 3.9%.

“The dollar is likely rising more in response to the economic data that continues to be stronger and therefore the market thinks that the Fed will continue to raise rates,” said Michael Arone, chief investment strategist for State Street Global Advisors in Boston.

“Those interest rate differentials compared to other countries will continue to expand or be strong,” he said. “The dollar is getting a rally, in conjunction with a little bit of flight to safety.”

The dollar index , a measure of the U.S. currency against six peers, rose 0.57% to a fresh three-week high. The dollar index has gained 3.0% from a 15-month low on July 18.

Fitch on Tuesday downgraded the United States to AA+ from AAA in a move that drew an angry response from the White House and surprised investors, coming despite the resolution two months ago of a debt ceiling crisis.

So…what happens next?

Bank crashes and “BAIL INS”.

That’s what I expect to happen.

Ever heard of a “Bail In”?

Let me explain…

SPECIAL ALERT: Here Come Bank “Bail-Ins”!

You’ve heard of bank bailouts.

We all learned about those back in 2008/09.

And last weekend.

But there’s something new they’re going to roll out this time around….Bank Bail-INS.

Why bail out a bank with money from Congress if you can just take the money right out of your existing bank account!

Gee, what a novel concept!

In other words, this:

That’s a funny clip, but this is no laughing matter.

This is very real.

And once again I’m warning you that it’s coming before it happens….so maybe you can protect yourself!

It’s not just me and my crazy ideas….here is one of the top financial YouTubers, Meet Kevin, talking about it:

And my man, Patrick Bet David too from just a few days ago:

Now check this out….

Video has leaked from closed door Fed meetings where they talk about how they can’t possibly warn the public (i.e. we can’t tell the public the truth!) because it will lead to mass hysteria.


They won’t tell you the truth, but we will.

Watch this:

More here:

Why Bank Bail-Ins will be the new bailouts:


It’s coming:

ChatGPT knows EXACTLY what they are:

Bank bail-ins are a method of resolving a failing bank’s financial difficulties by requiring the bank’s shareholders and creditors to contribute to the bank’s recapitalization, rather than relying solely on taxpayer funds. In a bail-in, the bank’s creditors, including bondholders and depositors with balances over a certain threshold, may have a portion of their holdings converted into equity in the bank or written off completely.

This approach is intended to protect taxpayers from having to bail out a failing bank, and instead puts the burden on the bank’s investors and creditors to bear the losses. Bail-ins are generally seen as a way to increase the accountability of banks and their investors, and to create incentives for banks to operate more prudently and manage risks more effectively.

Bail-ins have been implemented in various countries as part of financial regulatory reform efforts following the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. The European Union, for example, introduced a bail-in framework in 2014 that requires failing banks to first use their own funds and resources to address their financial difficulties before seeking public support.

Translation of that bold part: say you had $100,000 in a bank account.

One day they just decide a “bail in” is necessary and now you have $50,000.  Or $25,000.

But they will thank you for doing your patriotic duty!

Wow, not me folks!

No way.

I’m going Crypto and Gold & Silver.

That’s just me, but I like my money where the thieves can’t just take it!

Here’s more:

Of course the Government is telling you NOT to withdraw your funds….they’re safe!

So….what can YOU do right now to take action and prepare?

Look, I can’t tell you what to do, I’m not a financial advisor.

But me personally?

I have a big chunk of my assets in crypto and another big chunk in precious metals.

I keep as little as possible in the banks.

That’s just what helps me sleep best at night.

Here’s more on gold:

Here’s Why Central Banks Are Buying All the Gold They Can — And What YOU Can Do!

For the last year, central banks across the globe have been buying up as much gold (and often silver) as they can acquire without raising alarm bells. Now, we see why.

The recent bank runs and ongoing collapse of the U.S. banking system was anticipated by the “elites” and the central bankers who run things behind the scenes. They saw it coming and knew the best way to protect their assets was through physical precious metals.

If you’ve been waiting for me to bring you a solution about what YOU can do to protect yourself and you’re family, I’m happy to introduce you to something I absolutely love!

Precious metals.

I just talked about precious metals this week with Bo Polny and now I’m bringing you a solution that you can utilize right away if you’re so inclined…

faith-driven, conservative precious metals company is currently helping Americans tap into the rising precious metals market through self-directed IRAs backed by physical precious metals. And while this service is not unique to Genesis, their adherence to Biblical stewardship of money makes them singularly qualified to receive a sponsored recommendation from this site.

Unlike most companies offering similar services, Genesis deals only with physical precious metals. They do not offer “virtual” or “paper” gold or silver.

With Genesis and their depositories, customers can see and touch the precious metals that back their retirement accounts. When it comes time to take distributions, Genesis customers can cash in some or all of their precious metals or have them delivered to their door.

Central bankers aren’t slowing down. In fact, nations like China and even U.S. states like Tennessee are quickly but quietly buying up gold to back their own treasuries. When the writing on the wall is this clear, it’s understandable why these governments are moving quickly to get ahead of any potential economic catastrophes in store.

Working with Genesis is the best way our readers can explore the physical precious metals market through self-directed IRAs. It benefits us as well when our readers work with this America-First company.

Visit genesiswlt.com or call 866-292-0443 today.

Don’t wait too long, we might have more bank failures right around the corner.

You know what has NEVER “failed”?

Gold.  Precious metals.  Indestructible.

There’s a reason they call it “God’s money”.

Watch this for more:

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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