HomePoliticsDemocrat Governor Vetoes Legislation To Extend Child Support Payments To Fetuses *...

Democrat Governor Vetoes Legislation To Extend Child Support Payments To Fetuses * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Danielle

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Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly, a Democrat, has vetoed legislation to extend child support payments to fetuses.

Kelly called the bill a “blatant attempt by extreme politicians” to “take more control over women and their families’ personal, private medical decisions.”

“Senate Bill 232, supported by anti-abortion lobbying organizations, would have required the Supreme Court to adopt rules considering medical and pregnancy-related expenses for pregnant women, factoring in this child support at any time after the date of conception,” Kansas Reflector reports.

Per the Kansas Reflector:

Passed 82-38 in the House and 25-12 in the Senate, the legislation specified that these child support payments for medical expenses incurred during pregnancy couldn’t be collected in cases where the woman receives an “elective” abortion. Exceptions would be allowed in cases where the abortion was performed to save the pregnant woman’s life. There is no chance to override the governor’s veto because lawmakers have already adjourned the legislative session.

“This divisive legislation has broad and sweeping implications that undermine the will of the majority of Kansans who voted overwhelmingly in 2022 to protect the constitutional rights of women to make decisions about pregnancy,” Kelly said Friday. “This is another blatant attempt by extreme politicians in the Legislature to take more control over women and their families’ personal, private medical decisions.”

The Kansas Supreme Court in 2019 determined the state constitution’s right to bodily autonomy extends to the decision to terminate a pregnancy. Voters in August 2022 rejected a proposed constitutional amendment that would have allowed lawmakers to ban abortion without exception. Despite this public support of reproductive rights, Republican lawmakers have continued to attempt to discourage abortion through a variety of bills in every legislative session since.

During the initial discussion of the legislation, critics raised concerns over the complications of paternity testing for a fertilized egg. Supporters of abortion rights said allowing fetuses legal rights and protections would open the door to future restrictions on abortion in a state where the majority of residents support reproductive rights.

“Kansans already made it very clear that they don’t want lawmakers involved in personal matters. It’s time we listen to them. As I have said before, I refuse to sign legislation that goes against the will of the majority of Kansans who voted on August 2, 2022,” Kelly’s office said in a press release.

“Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto House Substitute for Substitute for Senate Bill 232,” it added.

From the Associated Press:

The Legislature has long had supermajorities that oppose abortion and GOP lawmakers this year overrode Kelly’s vetoes of four other measures backed by anti-abortion groups.

“Now she won’t allow women to have the potential for additional child support,” said Jeanne Gawdun, a lobbyist for Kansans for Life, the state’s most politically influential anti-abortion group. “This will not deter those of us who actually have compassion for women in difficult situations.”

Legislators cannot consider overriding the latest veto because they adjourned their annual session May 1 — though they could pass another version during a special session Kelly has promised to call on cutting taxes.

Under the bill, judges would have had to consider the “direct medical and pregnancy-related expenses” of the mother before a child’s birth, back to conception, in setting the child support payments required of either parent.

The Democrat governor also vetoed legislation to prevent certain land ownership of companies from countries deemed ‘foreign adversaries.’

Democrat Governor Vetoes Legislation To Prevent Land Ownership By ‘Foreign Adversaries’

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