HomePoliticsEXCLUSIVE: Detroit Democrats Hold Training Session for Poll Challengers, Reveal: Increased Number...

EXCLUSIVE: Detroit Democrats Hold Training Session for Poll Challengers, Reveal: Increased Number of Goons Will Be Present to Abuse GOP Challengers, The Goal Is to Attack GOP Inspectors, All Ballots Will be Allowed! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

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David Jaffe, the instructor in the Democrat Party poll challenger training in Detroit, Michigan in October 2024.

There were three training sessions held this week for Detroit’s Democrat poll challengers.

Reporter Shane Trejo, Big League Politics journalist and Michigan election integrity activist, sat in on one of the online training sessions and recorded it.

According to VoteBeat Michigan, “poll challengers” — distinct from poll workers and watchers—are individuals stationed at polling places and vote-counting centers who have unique powers under Michigan law to challenge a voter’s eligibility or question the way officials are doing their jobs. Poll challengers are meant to ensure that election workers do their jobs correctly and only count legal votes.

Michigan has new rules passed by the Democrat legislature for poll challengers following the 2020 election when GOP challengers were kicked out and locked out of the counting room.  These new Democrat rules make it possible for a poll challengers to be easily removed from the facility if they make repeated challenges that don’t pass legal muster. Democrats have tried to make it a criminal offense to offend election workers.

The Democrat poll challenger training was led by David Jaffe, a well-known leftist activist and Democrat poll challenger in the Detroit area.

The entire training was recorded by reporter Shane Trejo.  Trejo has been active in Detroit politics and was a witness to the late-night ballot drops in the TCF Center in Detroit in 2020. Trejo was the Paul Revere of 2020 voter fraud, where he caught the infamous 3:30 AM Biden Ballot Dump of tens of thousands of supposed “late arriving” absentee ballots. Many suspect that these ballots were fraudulent ballots used by officials within the City of Detroit to fraud the 2020 vote from Trump, where Trump had been winning on election night and suspicious ‘spikes’ of returns that were nearly 100% for Joe Biden, appeared in the middle of the night and switched the Trump victory into a defeat.

One of the surprise late-night ballot drops at Detroit’s TCF Center on Election Night 2020 changed the election in Michigan.


Trejo was also the journalist who first reported on the Detroit Leaks videos in 2020.  

The #DetroitLeaks scandal revealed how far-left activists and City of Detroit officials were instructing election workers on how to commit voter fraud in a variety of different ways. #DetroitLeaks revealed that the City of Detroit was purposefully using COVID to prevent Republican challengers from being able to participate in the election process. Officials bragged that the GOP would be kept so far away from the tables they would need binoculars in order to see the ballots.

Earlier this week, David Jaffe delivered an online training session in which he smeared and slandered Republican ballot challengers for this election cycle.

Democrats are once again planning to abuse the process to ensure that there is no election integrity for the ballot processes in Democrat-controlled areas.

Here’s our rundown on Jaffe’s Democrat training from the video provided to the Gateway Pundit, which you can verify yourself:

  • Democrats are effectively looking to doxx election integrity activists, as a way to intimidate them against participating
  • Democrats specifically name-drop the Election Integrity Fund as their opposition
  • Democrats boast of a large number of people they have recruited and put into place to control the process
  • Dems say the electronic poll book will be hidden from challengers and from election integrity activists! The electronic poll book is the only way to audit the ballots in real time against the paper ballots. In 2020, activists noted the electronic poll book had voters with birthdates in the 1800’s, and other obvious signs of fraud. Without access to that file, there will be no way to verify the validity of a ballot
  • Dems coordinating everyone through team leads texting on electronic devices, which might have the result of preventing any paper trail
  • Increased security goons will be on the side of the Democrats. They are working in concert with the Democrats — Here’s what Jaffe says: “We have a really good reputation with the security people. We have a good reputation with all the folks who work there. Introduce yourself as a Democratic challenger, a challenger from the Democratic Party, and you’ll very often get a smile of recognition.”
  • Democrats plan to excessively use state law to interfere with election integrity workers, utilizing MCL 168.727(3) to screw over election integrity activists
  • Jaffe says the enemy is the election integrity activist: “Let’s be clear about their goals- they’re gonna be there to delay the count, because if it takes a long time, Trump can claim victory. Create chaos, cause problems in Detroit.” Jaffe says that documenting voter fraud is, in itself, fraud. He calls it “The fraud fraud.“
  • Democrats are not inspecting the election, they are there to attack other inspectors and make them ineffective at challenging fraud. Again, Jaffe says during the training for challengers: “Some things we don’t do. We do not challenge voters. The Michigan Democratic Party doesn’t do that.”
  • Democrats want to create propaganda to push for further litigation and legislation that will cripple the ability for poll challengers to exercise their rights by taking notes on everything poll challengers do and say.
  • Jaffe boasts that far-left Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s guidance limits the rights of poll challengers to do much of anything
  • Jaffe says that ballots will be allowed regardless of anything challengers see, because challengers have little to no power to stop the process. Says Jaffe, gloating: “A challenged ballot is always counted.”
  • Jaffe claims that the ballots should be finished counting soon on election night, even though they are anticipating a total of 100,000 absentee ballots for Detroit.
  • He claims Security is gonna be much “better.” Part of that is because challengers are being restricted, even their movement in the facility will be restricted. Inspectors will be allowed to “red flag” any challengers so that City officials can justify removing them from the building.
  • Jaffe brags that the process denies information to challengers, saying Republicans will be “surprised by a lot” because election officials keep challengers in the dark on purpose and will not explain the election processes to them.
  • Jaffe instructs Democrat challengers to take enough information on Republicans that they might be identified later, and that if they refuse to identify themselves it’s a “sign of a guilty conscience” but then also hypocritically says Democrats should not identify themselves to Republicans, saying, “If another challenger asks for your credential, I advise you not to show it to them.”

From the training, it is clear that Democrats are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to ensure the integrity of the election process.

They are only there to push every ballot – real or fake – through the system. And, anyone who challenges ballots will be harassed and removed from the room.

The only meaningful screen for whether a ballot is real or fake is with the Clerk’s office, as part of the process that is completely removed from public view. In fraud-heavy Detroit, this process will happen at the Bureau of Elections controlled by Janice Winfrey.

Shane Trejo told The Gateway Pundit, “The training exposed how Democrats are training their poll challengers to doxx election integrity activists and prevent them from stopping fraud. No wonder they wanted to keep it under wraps so badly as it demonstrates the collusion between Democrat leaders and corrupt Detroit election officials.”

Shane added, “Now Republicans can be aware of their enemy’s blueprint and plan accordingly. It will not be as easy for Democrats to ramrod suspicious votes through now that this training has been exposed.”

There were three separate training sessions this week on how to harass GOP challengers, abuse them, and get them removed from the counting room.

This is the Democrat Party today: militantly protecting voter fraud to ensure they stay in power after their policies have destroyed the country.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to David Jaffe and Thomas Luckett, Voter Protection Director for Michigan Dems for comment as well. We will post any updates if or when he responds to our questions.

Here is the full video of the 1 hour 21 minute training session. It is clear from this training session that Democrats are not concerned about free and fair elections – at all.

Here is the full training session video:

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