HomePoliticsEXPOSED: Nancy Pelosi Wanted President Trump To “Trespass” On The Capitol? *...

EXPOSED: Nancy Pelosi Wanted President Trump To “Trespass” On The Capitol? * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

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As President Trump returned to Capitol Hill today, I can’t help thinking about to what happened on January 6th….

No, not the bogus narrative the MSM has tried to push for four years.

I’m talking about the TRUE scandal that happened that day, and it involves Nancy Pelosi.

You may have seen this before, but I believe it bears repeating….and sharing far and wide.

If you haven’t seen this before, this is going to shock you.

Watch this:

Backup video here:

Let’s break this down….

And let’s use ONLY her own words, exactly as she says them.

Here’s a full transcript from the video:

“I hope he comes I’m going to punch him out

this is my….I’ve been waiting for this for trespassing on the capital grounds

I’m gonna punch him out and I’m going to
go to jail and I’m going to be happy.”

Ok, so let’s analyze this, shall we?

Three years later and hundreds of J6 prosecutions later and now we see what she means.

They set it up from the very beginning, even had a camera crew there filming (ran by Pelosi’s daughter).

They had it all figured out, anyone who set foot on the Capitol would be deemed “trespassing”.

But how is that possible?

Especially for a SITTING President?

Remember, at this time President Trump was STILL President of the United States.

Nancy Pelosi thinks that by him setting foot in the Capitol — the People’s House — that she could arrest him for Trespass?

Actually, that’s not fair, we have to use her own words….she thinks she could “punch him out” for setting foot on the Capitol?

Folks, this is messed up!

But this really happened.

And while they didn’t “Get Trump” because he never came, they got hundreds of other good, patriotic Americans.

It should NEVER be a crime to simply set foot in the Capitol.

That is the People’s House and it belongs to us!

If crimes are committed while there, or if violence is committed while there, then that’s a different story.

But the RIGHT TO PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE, especially at a place such as the U.S. Capitol Building, is guaranteed by the First Amendment to our Constitution.

This is shameful!

When does Nancy Pelosi face prosecution for this video clip?

Saying she will be happy to go to jail for punching out a sitting President?

How is that legal?

Well, I might be able to answer that….

Perhaps it is “legal” because D.C. is not under the jurisdiction of the United States Constitution and it does not follow our laws or Constitutionally-protected rights.

I have told you that for a long time, and some of you don’t believe me, but if anything proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt it’s this Nancy Pelosi clip.

Here’s more:

Clif High Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Refused Trump’s National Guard

I think this is going to blow some of your minds.

It did mine.

I’ve heard bits and pieces of this over the years and have always had a fair amount of skepticism about all the details.

But Clif High does incredible research and has a track record that speaks for itself.

And he’s pulled together a lot of details here that finally all make sense when you see the bigger picture coming together.

I won’t do it near justice in a summary, which is why you just need to listen for yourself, but the main points include the idea that we have “The Republic” and we have the Incorporated “United States”.

I’ve heard that floated around for a long time, but Clif gives specific details and citations as backup.

Beyond that though, is his explanation of Federal land claimed within the United States and how that has been growing and how that’s essentially a foreign nation with the “States United”.

He’s dead on right.

The biggest and most notorious area?

Washington, D.C.

Did you know that is its own area?

It’s not a State.

It’s not subject to the things States are subject to.

It’s ran by the Feds and their own laws however they see fit to enforce them.

Ever wondered why all the J6 Prisoners have been sitting rotting away in jail cells for over a year, when our Constitution has a little thing called Habeas Corpus?

It’s because it’s D.C. and they’re not following the Constitution.

Wonder why Nancy Pelosi refused Trump’s offer of the National Guard (National Guard coming from the STATES)?

Because she quite literally viewed it as an infringing militia coming into the Federal D.C. area.

All starting to make sense now?

In fact, it goes well beyond just J6 and D.C.

It explains the plan set in motion by Trump and the Patriots and how it goes back WAY earlier than 2016.

It’s all in here folks and it’s explosive!

As I said, Clif does a much better job than I do of explaining it, so please enjoy:


I actually don’t think Clif is on YouTube, that’s just an account that uploads his stuff.

I think he got kicked off, which is hilarious that this account can stay on.

If you want Clif’s authorized channel, he’s only on Bitchute.

Watch here:

[iframe src=”https://www.bitchute.com/embed/nTuQoDQt23hf/” width=”100%” height=”360″]

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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