HomePoliticsHOT MIC! Kamala Forgets to Mute as Handler Feeds Questions During Briefing:...

HOT MIC! Kamala Forgets to Mute as Handler Feeds Questions During Briefing: “It’s a Live Broadcast!” * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Joshua C.

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The complete ineptitude of “Confused Kamala” (someone suggest that as a possible new nickname to President Trump the next time you see him?)… is on complete display for all the world to see.

Of course, what’s new!?

The concern about Kamala’s inability to intelligibly maintain a straight line of thought isn’t misinformation, rumor, or some right-wing conspiracy.  Day after day it’s put on display for all of us to see.  Watch this:

If you didn’t catch it, here’s the breakdown.  This is a livestream of a briefing that includes Biden, Kamala, Mayorkas of DHS, and FEMA personnel.

Kamala, who you would think would be at least PARTLY “in charge” of the briefing, can instead be heard responding to her handler who is FEEDING HER QUESTIONS to ask — presumably, so she doesn’t sound dumb if left to her own devices!

Kamala snaps back, “It’s a live broadcast!” while she covers her mouth, trying to conceal her reliance on handlers for her basic daily duties as Vice President.  But (lucky for us!) she completely forgets to mute her mic.  And that is when the magic happens!

Here’s a really good up-close and personal clip of the magical moment.  And yes — just the proximity of the word “up-close” in relation to Kamala Harris gave me a full-body shiver; and not the good kind.  I know I’m not the only one who cringed a little just then.  For that, I apologize.  I will try to do better in the future.

“Hey Ken, I have a question for you…”

Or, as I might interpret it —

“Hey Ken, my handler has a question I am told I should ask you…”

The Daily Dot found the incident just as delightfully ridiculous as I did, and had the following report about the incident:

While Graham was talking about the importance of keeping an eye on those areas, Harris covered her mouth with her hands and muttered what appears to be “live broadcast” before jumping back into the conversation to ask Graham a question about how powerful the storm might end up being.

The Trump campaign also highlighted the clip, claiming that an aide was feeding her questions.

Plenty of posters took the moment as evidence that she was “cheating” or getting information fed to her to ask presidential seeming questions.

It’s not the first time that Harris has been accused of using an earpiece to get an edge. During her debate against Trump in September, some Trump supporters also accused her of wearing pearl earrings to get answers fed to her.

A spokesperson for the Vice President’s Office didn’t immediately respond to explain what she was saying during the broadcast.

I’m reminded of the time that Kamala was visibly taken aback as she fell under the wrathful scolding of Chuck Schumer, presumably for goofing off during a serious press conference.

Fox News ran a story on the apparent gaffe as well, pointing out something I missed.  Besides the “It’s a live broadcast!” scolding she gave her handler, she can also be seen constantly glancing down at notes or a script of talking points.  I wonder when it will dawn on the American people that we don’t need someone who can follow a prompt like a customer service rep answering a call for Straight Talk in India — we need a LEADER who knows what he (or she!) is doing, and has a grasp on the information surrounding the issues that matter!

President Biden and Harris received a briefing from disaster relief authorities on life-saving preparations for Hurricane Milton. The two also received the latest updates on the forecast and expected impacts for Florida.

While Biden attended the meeting from the White House, Harris and others attended virtually.

At one point during the briefing, Harris covered her mouth and appeared to relay a message to someone else.

“It’s a live broadcast,” she could be heard saying.

The moment came nearly 20 minutes after Harris stumbled through a speech to Floridians. She glanced down multiple times, appearing to reference notes or a script.

Could it be that Kamala Harris doesn’t know how to conduct herself professionally… because she’s just not that professional?  Obviously, I don’t mean that to sound as rhetorical as it sounded.  What I MEANT to say was — Kamala is completely unprofessional and has absolutely no clue how to even PRETEND to be professional.

Which is why we keep getting this CONSTANT glimpses behind the veil of her ineptitude, and unprofessionalism.

Which… is why she can not become President of the United States, if we are to have any hope of navigating the coming storms.  And I’m not talking about Helene, or Milton.  But, those, too.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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