HomePoliticsOhio Secretary Of State PURGES Non-Citizens From Its Voting Rolls! * 100PercentFedUp.com...

Ohio Secretary Of State PURGES Non-Citizens From Its Voting Rolls! * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Vince Quill

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Ohio’s Secretary of State, Frank LaRose has ordered the state to clean up the voter rolls.

LaRose directed Ohio election officials to remove non-citizens from the state’s crowded and inaccurate voter database.

How these non-citizens ended up on the voter rolls is anyone’s guess. Are they even real people?

The 2020 Presidential election was riddled with ‘irregularities’, last-minute changes to the law, data issues, vulnerable electronic voting machines, and ballot stuffing.

Populating the voter rolls with non-existent individuals, or, in some cases, dead people was not an uncommon occurrence, as many election audits have shown.

Following the contentious 2020 election, 200,000 voters were removed from the voter rolls In Wisconsin alone.

LaRose made the right decision to issue this order; let’s hope more states follow his lead and clean up their voter rolls. Here’s more on the story:

Spokespeople for LaRose issued this statement to Fox News:

“These individuals will receive at least two written notices from the Secretary of State’s office asking them to confirm their citizenship status or cancel their registration.

Failure to respond to these notices will result in removal of the registration from the voter rolls by the county boards of elections.”

Years ago, David Burke drew attention to one of Ohio’s many election integrity issues. Burke reported:

“The Voter Fraud just uncovered in Ohio’s 12 District is the tip of the iceberg. Without Voter ID laws, Democrats’ illegal activities such as busing people from other Districts go unchecked.

But the biggest scandal is non-Citizen voting. Every Republican MUST VOTE this November!”

Election Integrity Network implored other states to follow Ohio’s lead: “Well done Frank LaRose
for protecting Ohio’s lawful voters.

Non-citizens being removed are self admitted non citizens and the tip of the iceberg of foreign nationals registered to vote in the US. C’mon other states!”

The Associated Press featured yet another statement from Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose:

“Every state is required to have an ongoing process to verify the accuracy of its voter rolls, but Ohio has the most advanced and effective protocols in the nation.

This work is not only critical to keeping our elections honest, but it’s also essential to making sure our election officials can properly plan for the right number of ballots, voting machines, polling places and poll workers.”

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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