HomePoliticsRaskin: 'The Handmaid's Tale' Is the GOP Guidebook for Trump Second Term

Raskin: 'The Handmaid's Tale' Is the GOP Guidebook for Trump Second Term

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Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Velshi ” that “The Handmaid’s Tale” was the guidebook for Republicans if former President Donald Trump won the November election.

Raskin said, “I like to think about the Sharpie in the hurricane, when Donald Trump tried to override and in some sense did override the scientists at NOAA and the National Weather Service saying that hurricane will hit Alabama causing mass chaos in places where the hurricane was going to hit  and in Alabama where it was not going to hit. That is what they wanted to do to the federal government, they want to override professional expertise and the protections of the civil service. They want to create something called Schedule F and take tens of thousands of jobs that are now protected in the professional civil service, to put them directly under the president, to appoint political flunkies and sycophants.”

He added, “Those people will just do the will of the president, as they talked about setting up detention camps for immigrants, mass deportations, much more aggressive action against abortion, to ban abortion drugs in the country. Right now, one third of women in America live in states where abortion criminal. They want to make that go nationwide including Speaker Johnson. They are on the life begins at conception act and that is very much part of what they want to do. If you haven’t read ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ read it because a lot of it is the formula for the Christian white nationalism, that they want to make a central feature of federal government action.”

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