HomePolitics"The War Will Be Over When They Cannot Make Any More Money"...

“The War Will Be Over When They Cannot Make Any More Money” — A Letter from Odessa, Ukraine — US Patriot Sends an Honest Assessment from the Ukrainian People | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

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AFU Unit Mazur – Photo: Maksym Mazur / Ukraine Ministry of Defence

The Gateway Pundit received this from our dear friend who is currently in Ukraine. What he describes are war crimes and the victims are the people of Ukraine and Russia.

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I’m in Odesa, Ukraine, following up on the integrity of humanitarian aid distribution. I have been in-country since late September. I have had all kinds of reactions from sections throughout the nation on the war status. Odesa is a strange-bird—unique in a number of ways, and maybe it’s because of its seaport location. Upon arriving, I was instantly clued to the fact that “Zelensky is not in favor at all.” A polite way of telling me to mind my Ps & Qs in various meetings. But here is a comment that really wounded me. I asked “When do you think the war will be over?” The reply, “When they cannot make any more money.” The implication was that as long as the US continued to send millions and billions over there is no reason to stop.

Basically, the money sent NEVER gets to the troops. I suspect, as I’ve noted previously, that most make a circuitous, untraceable journey back to DC pockets. If this is the truth, then I understand and applaud President Trump’s statement that the war will be “over” even before he is sworn into office.

The military-industrial complex owns this evil. They are excited. The battlefield is a live test zone for weapon development. Real human beings are the test subjects. The “old” weapons are being donated to Ukraine ONLY because they will be replaced with more sophisticated options to kill (and amazing is the admission from the donor nation that these are the old weapons). I have witnessed that the “old” battlefield strategies have evolved into an incredible Sci-fi theatre. It is truly like playing a video game, except human lives are lost.

The tragedy… yesterday I was meeting with groups from Kherson. They are involved in relief efforts and frustrated at the news of the US dollars. One was an American who said, “I’ve written Congress asking WHERE is all of the money you sent? I’m on the frontline and see nothing.” I’ve visited villages where the people are scaping to send money to those from their village who need bullets! So, as has been asked from the beginning, “Where are the millions and billions?” I’ve worked with the government enough to know they really do not place an actual/real cost figure—I’ve been told that certain shipments must be valued at $500K+, and I am to just cook the spreadsheet to get the higher numbers. All of this is so the government can boast of sending XXXX BILLIONS of humanitarian assistance overseas. And the funding for Ukraine’s “military” is a shell game!

And the money-making even profits Churches who show up unload a few things, snap photos, goes back to raise huge amounts of funds to “help” Ukraine!

And the BIG money-maker times will come after the war when “rebuilding” contracts are let. Just wait and see the contractors who are awarded these projects and the inflated costs.

Two days ago, I visited a hospital where those maimed by the war were housed. On one bed was a young man with his wife sitting at the foot of the bed. They could have been my grandchildren! Millions are being sacrificed “until” no more money can be made.

I’ve helped “both” sides… the citizens are not the evil perpetrators but the “ignored disposables.” I’ve been able to help Ukrainian citizens more than Russian because getting assistance into RU is very difficult. Thanks to some UA contacts we have helped “under the table” with various relief deliveries.

A recent article suggests that if the war continues into 20025 the RU will have ONE-MILLION casualties by next August. No number for the UA side.

And now I read where a US Republican senator is saying we need US advisors and private contractors on the ground (as if they’ve not been here all along). This public demand (coming from a “R”) steps up the US presence.

Just had to vent… I pray daily for God’s Justice to strike!

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