HomePoliticsTop 10 Survival Hacks for Generating Electricity * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

Top 10 Survival Hacks for Generating Electricity * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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Some non-preppers may take things like electricity for granted until they are in a scenario where they no longer have it. It can be hard to find a reliable power source, especially if you are unprepared for a widespread power outage or grid-down emergency. Article by Natural News, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com And while storing energy has become more effective thanks to advancements in battery technology, you still need to generate electricity. (h/t to TruePrepper.com) Before SHTF, you can benefit from knowing the different ways to generate electricity on your homestead. Once you have prepared a reliable alternative energy source, you can also prepare by stocking up on shelf-stable food like grains and nuts.

Solar power

In most emergencies, even after natural disasters, the sun will still shine. Solar power is one of the most reliable alternative energy sources, but it can also be one of the most intimidating. It may require a big financial investment depending on the method you choose, but it’s also becoming cheaper. Sometimes the government also offers incentives for a solar home system.

Gasoline generator

Gas generators are one of the most popular options for emergencies and power outages. However, gasoline isn’t the most stable fuel so you need to store gas and fuel stabilizer in your stockpile so it’s ready when you need it.

Crank generator

Crank flashlights often come with emergency radios because they require very little power. Note that the crank function won’t be generating many watt-hours but it could be enough to make sure an important text gets through during an emergency.

Natural gas and LP (liquid propane) generators

Propane and natural gas are the leading choices for home standby generators. Natural gas is usually less prone to outages during emergencies, especially when compared to electricity, and propane is usually stored on-site in tanks. These options are ideal for short-term emergencies and natural disasters but they may lose viability if supply chain difficulties become permanent. If you can get large tanks, you can store a large amount of fuel. Just make sure you follow the half-tank rule to maximize your preparedness.

Vegetable oil generator

Rudolph Diesel’s original design for the diesel engine used vegetable oil, which could be an alternative fuel with less demand during emergencies and survival situations. Most cooking oil is a byproduct, and having a generator option that runs on vegetable oil may benefit you when SHTF.

Diesel generator

Diesel generators usually cost more and are heavier than gas generators but tend to use less fuel for the same energy output. They are also less common because of the cost difference. Note that some standby generators run on diesel, but they are more common in commercial and industrial settings. (Related: EMP-proofing MYTHS preppers need to know about.)

Steam engine

Steam engines changed the world in the 18th century, and they work just as well in modern times. While you can’t exactly buy a steam engine at the hardware store, you can learn how to set up your own if you want to use this as your power option. Check videos online to learn how small car engines or two-stroke engines are converted into steam engines.

Hydroelectric generator

Water and gravity are some of the most consistent power sources you can find. While hydroelectric generators aren’t common, you can make them at home with traditional alternators and some research. If you decide on a hydroelectric generator for your homestead, you will also need to find a water source with a differential in elevation generating kinetic energy such as a fast-moving river, a waterfall, or a dam.

Wind turbine

Like solar energy, wind turbines will need consistent weather conditions to perform reliably. This makes it less ideal as a primary power source, but wind turbines can work well as secondary power sources.

Biomass stove

Using heat to generate electricity is also a great option for emergencies. Unlike propane stoves where fuel can be limited, you can find wood to burn in a biomass stove. A biomass stove will convert the heat to energy that can charge small devices such as cell phones. If you are worried about different survival scenarios where you may run out of electricity, prepare ahead of time so you don’t have to rely on grid power.

Where to find food for your survival stockpile

The Health Ranger Store is committed to helping you prepare for different emergencies, like a long-term power outage. That’s why we’re proud to introduce shelf-stable supplies such as grains and nuts. The Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply is certified organic and laboratory-verified. All the food items included are organic, non-GMO, laboratory tested for heavy metals and are free of chemical ingredients such as MSG or preservatives. All these products can be stored for up to 10 to 15 years, depending on storage conditions. Keep the buckets in a dark, cool, low-humidity location and they will last for an extended duration. Bucket A23/A24/A26, which contains a minimum of 278 servings per pail, includes items like Organic Almonds, Organic Black Beans and Organic Rolled Oats. Bucket B17/B19, which contains a minimum of 258 servings per pail, includes Himalayan Salt, Organic Coconut Sugar and Organic Dark Red Kidney Beans. You can trust that the Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply from the Health Ranger Store is thoroughly lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

It is also USDA-organic and China-free.

Visit OffGrid.news for more tips on how to prepare for different emergencies. You can also go to Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store for more supplies for your prepping stockpile.

Click on this link to learn how to make 4-Ingredient Almond Butter Energy Bars using some of the items from your Ranger Bucket Set – Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply.

Watch the video below to learn more about the health benefits of Organic Almonds.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Survival tips: Alternate power sources for your homestead.

7 Useful tools women carry that every prepper needs.

Food storage: How to keep fruits and vegetables fresh without a refrigerator. Sources include:


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Brighteon.com RELATED REPORT:

3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

Things are getting bad for millions of Americans, but there is still time to turn things around. Whether that means saving the country or just saving one’s family, Americans are still able to take actions that will improve their personal situations while hoping the nation itself can be improved in the near future.

“I’m generally an optimistic person so I get very annoyed by fearmongering,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All-Naturals. “Most Americans are neither stupid nor blind. They don’t need to be told that disaster may be around the corner. Either they see it or they don’t.”

Nelson has seen truly bad situations. As a combat disabled veteran who served across the Middle East, he knows that as bad as many Americans think things are today, they can get worse. That’s what drives him to not only try to make things better for his fellow Americans but also to prepare them in case everything goes south.

It’s easy to point at multiple threats facing Americans and declare them as “existential,” but there are actually common sense reasons for Americans to be stocking up high quality survival food. In times of such turmoil, it behooves Americans who have the resources to prepare for what may be coming.

Here are three reasons now is the best time to start (or continue) stocking up on survival food, including the 25-year shelf-life Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Sirloin sold by Prepper All-Naturals.

Survival Food Is Not Getting Cheaper

Freeze drying food is time-consuming and expensive. Beef, for example, must be cooked, frozen, and then freeze dried for over 24-hours in order to retain flavor and nutritional qualities. Unlike dehydrated beef or jerky, freeze dried beef does not suffer from a massive drop in quality.

Across the board, food prices are rising. This is especially true in the survival food industry because the food must be taken from fresh to freeze dried BEFORE it can be packaged and sold. Prices have been skyrocketing for meat products to the point that a few survival food providers have stopped offering beef and chicken.

Today, companies are doing what they can to keep their prices affordable but that may not be an option if food price hikes continue to outpace inflation… which is already bad enough. They buying power of the U.S. Dollar will almost certainly not get as much food in the future as it can today.

Supplies Are Dropping

Survival foods that were in stock at all times just last year are being listed as out-of-stock more and more. Even giants like Amazon and Costco are struggling to keep survival foods shipping or stocked on the shelves.

“We anticipated the demand spike last year which is why we started overproducing,” Nelson said. “It’s easy to stay ahead of the game when you only sell one product type and it happens to have a 25-year shelf life.”

The biggest challenge for many survival companies is that freeze drying has a finite production scale. The process cannot be sped up and unless there are open freeze dryers, it’s not effective to hire more people when demand is so high. In other words, production is forced to remain steady even when so many people are starting to buy survival food as they are today.

Quality Matters

There’s a common theme among many new preppers. Podcaster Joe Rogan said it best when he noted a couple of years ago that he had stockpiled tons of beans and rice buckets and he’ll be happy with that and nothing else if necessary.

Experienced preppers, especially anyone who has lived off low-quality food for extended periods of time, know that there’s a huge difference between good and bad survival food. The psychological effects of eating poor quality foods repetitively often hit much faster than people expect. Then, there’s the health concerns; protein in particular needs to be the best it can be for sustained periods of “survival mode” because poor quality meats or meat alternatives can cause cascading medical issues.

Click here to see all that Prepper All-Naturals has to offer.

Whatever event or events prompt the need to eat survival food, chances are high that over extended periods people will simply opt to eat less of their food because they won’t have the appetite to eat what’s necessary to retain strength. Low quality food can be both emotionally and physically draining.

Today, the “premium” survival food companies are running out of supplies faster than their budget competitors. This is natural because some foods such as the infamous “beef crumbles” offered by many survival stores become less appetizing the more they’re eaten.

“We had a customer tell us she had tried a few versions of ‘beef crumbles’ and they all tasted and felt like meat flavored porridge,” Nelson said. “Now she’s subscribed to receive both Ribeye and NY Strip monthly and she often uses it in her regular cooking.”

When survival food is good enough to eat during normal conditions, it’s definitely good enough to eat if things go south.

Prepper All-Naturals is maintaining a strong supply of beef by partnering with multiple Texas ranchers. Their quality is the highest in the survival industry. As for price, they’re offering — for a limited time — 25% off all products with promo code “veterans25.”

(Note: Thank you for supporting American businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message in this article and WLTReport benefits from any purchase made through the links provided. Thank you for your support!)

HealthRangerStore.com 1

HealthRangerStore.com 2

HealthRangerStore.com 3

Brighteon.com RELATED REPORT:

3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

Things are getting bad for millions of Americans, but there is still time to turn things around. Whether that means saving the country or just saving one’s family, Americans are still able to take actions that will improve their personal situations while hoping the nation itself can be improved in the near future.

“I’m generally an optimistic person so I get very annoyed by fearmongering,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All-Naturals. “Most Americans are neither stupid nor blind. They don’t need to be told that disaster may be around the corner. Either they see it or they don’t.”

Nelson has seen truly bad situations. As a combat disabled veteran who served across the Middle East, he knows that as bad as many Americans think things are today, they can get worse. That’s what drives him to not only try to make things better for his fellow Americans but also to prepare them in case everything goes south.

It’s easy to point at multiple threats facing Americans and declare them as “existential,” but there are actually common sense reasons for Americans to be stocking up high quality survival food. In times of such turmoil, it behooves Americans who have the resources to prepare for what may be coming.

Here are three reasons now is the best time to start (or continue) stocking up on survival food, including the 25-year shelf-life Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Sirloin sold by Prepper All-Naturals.

Survival Food Is Not Getting Cheaper

Freeze drying food is time-consuming and expensive. Beef, for example, must be cooked, frozen, and then freeze dried for over 24-hours in order to retain flavor and nutritional qualities. Unlike dehydrated beef or jerky, freeze dried beef does not suffer from a massive drop in quality.

Across the board, food prices are rising. This is especially true in the survival food industry because the food must be taken from fresh to freeze dried BEFORE it can be packaged and sold. Prices have been skyrocketing for meat products to the point that a few survival food providers have stopped offering beef and chicken.

Today, companies are doing what they can to keep their prices affordable but that may not be an option if food price hikes continue to outpace inflation… which is already bad enough. They buying power of the U.S. Dollar will almost certainly not get as much food in the future as it can today.

Supplies Are Dropping

Survival foods that were in stock at all times just last year are being listed as out-of-stock more and more. Even giants like Amazon and Costco are struggling to keep survival foods shipping or stocked on the shelves.

“We anticipated the demand spike last year which is why we started overproducing,” Nelson said. “It’s easy to stay ahead of the game when you only sell one product type and it happens to have a 25-year shelf life.”

The biggest challenge for many survival companies is that freeze drying has a finite production scale. The process cannot be sped up and unless there are open freeze dryers, it’s not effective to hire more people when demand is so high. In other words, production is forced to remain steady even when so many people are starting to buy survival food as they are today.

Quality Matters

There’s a common theme among many new preppers. Podcaster Joe Rogan said it best when he noted a couple of years ago that he had stockpiled tons of beans and rice buckets and he’ll be happy with that and nothing else if necessary.

Experienced preppers, especially anyone who has lived off low-quality food for extended periods of time, know that there’s a huge difference between good and bad survival food. The psychological effects of eating poor quality foods repetitively often hit much faster than people expect. Then, there’s the health concerns; protein in particular needs to be the best it can be for sustained periods of “survival mode” because poor quality meats or meat alternatives can cause cascading medical issues.

Click here to see all that Prepper All-Naturals has to offer.

Whatever event or events prompt the need to eat survival food, chances are high that over extended periods people will simply opt to eat less of their food because they won’t have the appetite to eat what’s necessary to retain strength. Low quality food can be both emotionally and physically draining.

Today, the “premium” survival food companies are running out of supplies faster than their budget competitors. This is natural because some foods such as the infamous “beef crumbles” offered by many survival stores become less appetizing the more they’re eaten.

“We had a customer tell us she had tried a few versions of ‘beef crumbles’ and they all tasted and felt like meat flavored porridge,” Nelson said. “Now she’s subscribed to receive both Ribeye and NY Strip monthly and she often uses it in her regular cooking.”

When survival food is good enough to eat during normal conditions, it’s definitely good enough to eat if things go south.

Prepper All-Naturals is maintaining a strong supply of beef by partnering with multiple Texas ranchers. Their quality is the highest in the survival industry. As for price, they’re offering — for a limited time — 25% off all products with promo code “veterans25.”

(Note: Thank you for supporting American businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message in this article and WLTReport benefits from any purchase made through the links provided. Thank you for your support!)

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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HealthRangerStore.com 3

Brighteon.com RELATED REPORT:

3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

Things are getting bad for millions of Americans, but there is still time to turn things around. Whether that means saving the country or just saving one’s family, Americans are still able to take actions that will improve their personal situations while hoping the nation itself can be improved in the near future.

“I’m generally an optimistic person so I get very annoyed by fearmongering,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All-Naturals. “Most Americans are neither stupid nor blind. They don’t need to be told that disaster may be around the corner. Either they see it or they don’t.”

Nelson has seen truly bad situations. As a combat disabled veteran who served across the Middle East, he knows that as bad as many Americans think things are today, they can get worse. That’s what drives him to not only try to make things better for his fellow Americans but also to prepare them in case everything goes south.

It’s easy to point at multiple threats facing Americans and declare them as “existential,” but there are actually common sense reasons for Americans to be stocking up high quality survival food. In times of such turmoil, it behooves Americans who have the resources to prepare for what may be coming.

Here are three reasons now is the best time to start (or continue) stocking up on survival food, including the 25-year shelf-life Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Sirloin sold by Prepper All-Naturals.

Survival Food Is Not Getting Cheaper

Freeze drying food is time-consuming and expensive. Beef, for example, must be cooked, frozen, and then freeze dried for over 24-hours in order to retain flavor and nutritional qualities. Unlike dehydrated beef or jerky, freeze dried beef does not suffer from a massive drop in quality.

Across the board, food prices are rising. This is especially true in the survival food industry because the food must be taken from fresh to freeze dried BEFORE it can be packaged and sold. Prices have been skyrocketing for meat products to the point that a few survival food providers have stopped offering beef and chicken.

Today, companies are doing what they can to keep their prices affordable but that may not be an option if food price hikes continue to outpace inflation… which is already bad enough. They buying power of the U.S. Dollar will almost certainly not get as much food in the future as it can today.

Supplies Are Dropping

Survival foods that were in stock at all times just last year are being listed as out-of-stock more and more. Even giants like Amazon and Costco are struggling to keep survival foods shipping or stocked on the shelves.

“We anticipated the demand spike last year which is why we started overproducing,” Nelson said. “It’s easy to stay ahead of the game when you only sell one product type and it happens to have a 25-year shelf life.”

The biggest challenge for many survival companies is that freeze drying has a finite production scale. The process cannot be sped up and unless there are open freeze dryers, it’s not effective to hire more people when demand is so high. In other words, production is forced to remain steady even when so many people are starting to buy survival food as they are today.

Quality Matters

There’s a common theme among many new preppers. Podcaster Joe Rogan said it best when he noted a couple of years ago that he had stockpiled tons of beans and rice buckets and he’ll be happy with that and nothing else if necessary.

Experienced preppers, especially anyone who has lived off low-quality food for extended periods of time, know that there’s a huge difference between good and bad survival food. The psychological effects of eating poor quality foods repetitively often hit much faster than people expect. Then, there’s the health concerns; protein in particular needs to be the best it can be for sustained periods of “survival mode” because poor quality meats or meat alternatives can cause cascading medical issues.

Click here to see all that Prepper All-Naturals has to offer.

Whatever event or events prompt the need to eat survival food, chances are high that over extended periods people will simply opt to eat less of their food because they won’t have the appetite to eat what’s necessary to retain strength. Low quality food can be both emotionally and physically draining.

Today, the “premium” survival food companies are running out of supplies faster than their budget competitors. This is natural because some foods such as the infamous “beef crumbles” offered by many survival stores become less appetizing the more they’re eaten.

“We had a customer tell us she had tried a few versions of ‘beef crumbles’ and they all tasted and felt like meat flavored porridge,” Nelson said. “Now she’s subscribed to receive both Ribeye and NY Strip monthly and she often uses it in her regular cooking.”

When survival food is good enough to eat during normal conditions, it’s definitely good enough to eat if things go south.

Prepper All-Naturals is maintaining a strong supply of beef by partnering with multiple Texas ranchers. Their quality is the highest in the survival industry. As for price, they’re offering — for a limited time — 25% off all products with promo code “veterans25.”

(Note: Thank you for supporting American businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message in this article and WLTReport benefits from any purchase made through the links provided. Thank you for your support!)

Some non-preppers may take things like electricity for granted until they are in a scenario where they no longer have it. It can be hard to find a reliable power source, especially if you are unprepared for a widespread power outage or grid-down emergency. Article by Natural News, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com And while storing energy has become more effective thanks to advancements in battery technology, you still need to generate electricity. (h/t to TruePrepper.com) Before SHTF, you can benefit from knowing the different ways to generate electricity on your homestead. Once you have prepared a reliable alternative energy source, you can also prepare by stocking up on shelf-stable food like grains and nuts.

Solar power

In most emergencies, even after natural disasters, the sun will still shine. Solar power is one of the most reliable alternative energy sources, but it can also be one of the most intimidating. It may require a big financial investment depending on the method you choose, but it’s also becoming cheaper. Sometimes the government also offers incentives for a solar home system.

Gasoline generator

Gas generators are one of the most popular options for emergencies and power outages. However, gasoline isn’t the most stable fuel so you need to store gas and fuel stabilizer in your stockpile so it’s ready when you need it.

Crank generator

Crank flashlights often come with emergency radios because they require very little power. Note that the crank function won’t be generating many watt-hours but it could be enough to make sure an important text gets through during an emergency.

Natural gas and LP (liquid propane) generators

Propane and natural gas are the leading choices for home standby generators. Natural gas is usually less prone to outages during emergencies, especially when compared to electricity, and propane is usually stored on-site in tanks. These options are ideal for short-term emergencies and natural disasters but they may lose viability if supply chain difficulties become permanent. If you can get large tanks, you can store a large amount of fuel. Just make sure you follow the half-tank rule to maximize your preparedness.

Vegetable oil generator

Rudolph Diesel’s original design for the diesel engine used vegetable oil, which could be an alternative fuel with less demand during emergencies and survival situations. Most cooking oil is a byproduct, and having a generator option that runs on vegetable oil may benefit you when SHTF.

Diesel generator

Diesel generators usually cost more and are heavier than gas generators but tend to use less fuel for the same energy output. They are also less common because of the cost difference. Note that some standby generators run on diesel, but they are more common in commercial and industrial settings. (Related: EMP-proofing MYTHS preppers need to know about.)

Steam engine

Steam engines changed the world in the 18th century, and they work just as well in modern times. While you can’t exactly buy a steam engine at the hardware store, you can learn how to set up your own if you want to use this as your power option. Check videos online to learn how small car engines or two-stroke engines are converted into steam engines.

Hydroelectric generator

Water and gravity are some of the most consistent power sources you can find. While hydroelectric generators aren’t common, you can make them at home with traditional alternators and some research. If you decide on a hydroelectric generator for your homestead, you will also need to find a water source with a differential in elevation generating kinetic energy such as a fast-moving river, a waterfall, or a dam.

Wind turbine

Like solar energy, wind turbines will need consistent weather conditions to perform reliably. This makes it less ideal as a primary power source, but wind turbines can work well as secondary power sources.

Biomass stove

Using heat to generate electricity is also a great option for emergencies. Unlike propane stoves where fuel can be limited, you can find wood to burn in a biomass stove. A biomass stove will convert the heat to energy that can charge small devices such as cell phones. If you are worried about different survival scenarios where you may run out of electricity, prepare ahead of time so you don’t have to rely on grid power.

Where to find food for your survival stockpile

The Health Ranger Store is committed to helping you prepare for different emergencies, like a long-term power outage. That’s why we’re proud to introduce shelf-stable supplies such as grains and nuts. The Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply is certified organic and laboratory-verified. All the food items included are organic, non-GMO, laboratory tested for heavy metals and are free of chemical ingredients such as MSG or preservatives. All these products can be stored for up to 10 to 15 years, depending on storage conditions. Keep the buckets in a dark, cool, low-humidity location and they will last for an extended duration. Bucket A23/A24/A26, which contains a minimum of 278 servings per pail, includes items like Organic Almonds, Organic Black Beans and Organic Rolled Oats. Bucket B17/B19, which contains a minimum of 258 servings per pail, includes Himalayan Salt, Organic Coconut Sugar and Organic Dark Red Kidney Beans. You can trust that the Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply from the Health Ranger Store is thoroughly lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

It is also USDA-organic and China-free.

Visit OffGrid.news for more tips on how to prepare for different emergencies. You can also go to Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store for more supplies for your prepping stockpile.

Click on this link to learn how to make 4-Ingredient Almond Butter Energy Bars using some of the items from your Ranger Bucket Set – Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply.

Watch the video below to learn more about the health benefits of Organic Almonds.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Survival tips: Alternate power sources for your homestead.

7 Useful tools women carry that every prepper needs.

Food storage: How to keep fruits and vegetables fresh without a refrigerator. Sources include:


HealthRangerStore.com 1

HealthRangerStore.com 2

HealthRangerStore.com 3

Brighteon.com RELATED REPORT:

3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

Things are getting bad for millions of Americans, but there is still time to turn things around. Whether that means saving the country or just saving one’s family, Americans are still able to take actions that will improve their personal situations while hoping the nation itself can be improved in the near future.

“I’m generally an optimistic person so I get very annoyed by fearmongering,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All-Naturals. “Most Americans are neither stupid nor blind. They don’t need to be told that disaster may be around the corner. Either they see it or they don’t.”

Nelson has seen truly bad situations. As a combat disabled veteran who served across the Middle East, he knows that as bad as many Americans think things are today, they can get worse. That’s what drives him to not only try to make things better for his fellow Americans but also to prepare them in case everything goes south.

It’s easy to point at multiple threats facing Americans and declare them as “existential,” but there are actually common sense reasons for Americans to be stocking up high quality survival food. In times of such turmoil, it behooves Americans who have the resources to prepare for what may be coming.

Here are three reasons now is the best time to start (or continue) stocking up on survival food, including the 25-year shelf-life Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Sirloin sold by Prepper All-Naturals.

Survival Food Is Not Getting Cheaper

Freeze drying food is time-consuming and expensive. Beef, for example, must be cooked, frozen, and then freeze dried for over 24-hours in order to retain flavor and nutritional qualities. Unlike dehydrated beef or jerky, freeze dried beef does not suffer from a massive drop in quality.

Across the board, food prices are rising. This is especially true in the survival food industry because the food must be taken from fresh to freeze dried BEFORE it can be packaged and sold. Prices have been skyrocketing for meat products to the point that a few survival food providers have stopped offering beef and chicken.

Today, companies are doing what they can to keep their prices affordable but that may not be an option if food price hikes continue to outpace inflation… which is already bad enough. They buying power of the U.S. Dollar will almost certainly not get as much food in the future as it can today.

Supplies Are Dropping

Survival foods that were in stock at all times just last year are being listed as out-of-stock more and more. Even giants like Amazon and Costco are struggling to keep survival foods shipping or stocked on the shelves.

“We anticipated the demand spike last year which is why we started overproducing,” Nelson said. “It’s easy to stay ahead of the game when you only sell one product type and it happens to have a 25-year shelf life.”

The biggest challenge for many survival companies is that freeze drying has a finite production scale. The process cannot be sped up and unless there are open freeze dryers, it’s not effective to hire more people when demand is so high. In other words, production is forced to remain steady even when so many people are starting to buy survival food as they are today.

Quality Matters

There’s a common theme among many new preppers. Podcaster Joe Rogan said it best when he noted a couple of years ago that he had stockpiled tons of beans and rice buckets and he’ll be happy with that and nothing else if necessary.

Experienced preppers, especially anyone who has lived off low-quality food for extended periods of time, know that there’s a huge difference between good and bad survival food. The psychological effects of eating poor quality foods repetitively often hit much faster than people expect. Then, there’s the health concerns; protein in particular needs to be the best it can be for sustained periods of “survival mode” because poor quality meats or meat alternatives can cause cascading medical issues.

Click here to see all that Prepper All-Naturals has to offer.

Whatever event or events prompt the need to eat survival food, chances are high that over extended periods people will simply opt to eat less of their food because they won’t have the appetite to eat what’s necessary to retain strength. Low quality food can be both emotionally and physically draining.

Today, the “premium” survival food companies are running out of supplies faster than their budget competitors. This is natural because some foods such as the infamous “beef crumbles” offered by many survival stores become less appetizing the more they’re eaten.

“We had a customer tell us she had tried a few versions of ‘beef crumbles’ and they all tasted and felt like meat flavored porridge,” Nelson said. “Now she’s subscribed to receive both Ribeye and NY Strip monthly and she often uses it in her regular cooking.”

When survival food is good enough to eat during normal conditions, it’s definitely good enough to eat if things go south.

Prepper All-Naturals is maintaining a strong supply of beef by partnering with multiple Texas ranchers. Their quality is the highest in the survival industry. As for price, they’re offering — for a limited time — 25% off all products with promo code “veterans25.”

(Note: Thank you for supporting American businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message in this article and WLTReport benefits from any purchase made through the links provided. Thank you for your support!)

HealthRangerStore.com 1

HealthRangerStore.com 2

HealthRangerStore.com 3

Brighteon.com RELATED REPORT:

3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

Things are getting bad for millions of Americans, but there is still time to turn things around. Whether that means saving the country or just saving one’s family, Americans are still able to take actions that will improve their personal situations while hoping the nation itself can be improved in the near future.

“I’m generally an optimistic person so I get very annoyed by fearmongering,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All-Naturals. “Most Americans are neither stupid nor blind. They don’t need to be told that disaster may be around the corner. Either they see it or they don’t.”

Nelson has seen truly bad situations. As a combat disabled veteran who served across the Middle East, he knows that as bad as many Americans think things are today, they can get worse. That’s what drives him to not only try to make things better for his fellow Americans but also to prepare them in case everything goes south.

It’s easy to point at multiple threats facing Americans and declare them as “existential,” but there are actually common sense reasons for Americans to be stocking up high quality survival food. In times of such turmoil, it behooves Americans who have the resources to prepare for what may be coming.

Here are three reasons now is the best time to start (or continue) stocking up on survival food, including the 25-year shelf-life Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Sirloin sold by Prepper All-Naturals.

Survival Food Is Not Getting Cheaper

Freeze drying food is time-consuming and expensive. Beef, for example, must be cooked, frozen, and then freeze dried for over 24-hours in order to retain flavor and nutritional qualities. Unlike dehydrated beef or jerky, freeze dried beef does not suffer from a massive drop in quality.

Across the board, food prices are rising. This is especially true in the survival food industry because the food must be taken from fresh to freeze dried BEFORE it can be packaged and sold. Prices have been skyrocketing for meat products to the point that a few survival food providers have stopped offering beef and chicken.

Today, companies are doing what they can to keep their prices affordable but that may not be an option if food price hikes continue to outpace inflation… which is already bad enough. They buying power of the U.S. Dollar will almost certainly not get as much food in the future as it can today.

Supplies Are Dropping

Survival foods that were in stock at all times just last year are being listed as out-of-stock more and more. Even giants like Amazon and Costco are struggling to keep survival foods shipping or stocked on the shelves.

“We anticipated the demand spike last year which is why we started overproducing,” Nelson said. “It’s easy to stay ahead of the game when you only sell one product type and it happens to have a 25-year shelf life.”

The biggest challenge for many survival companies is that freeze drying has a finite production scale. The process cannot be sped up and unless there are open freeze dryers, it’s not effective to hire more people when demand is so high. In other words, production is forced to remain steady even when so many people are starting to buy survival food as they are today.

Quality Matters

There’s a common theme among many new preppers. Podcaster Joe Rogan said it best when he noted a couple of years ago that he had stockpiled tons of beans and rice buckets and he’ll be happy with that and nothing else if necessary.

Experienced preppers, especially anyone who has lived off low-quality food for extended periods of time, know that there’s a huge difference between good and bad survival food. The psychological effects of eating poor quality foods repetitively often hit much faster than people expect. Then, there’s the health concerns; protein in particular needs to be the best it can be for sustained periods of “survival mode” because poor quality meats or meat alternatives can cause cascading medical issues.

Click here to see all that Prepper All-Naturals has to offer.

Whatever event or events prompt the need to eat survival food, chances are high that over extended periods people will simply opt to eat less of their food because they won’t have the appetite to eat what’s necessary to retain strength. Low quality food can be both emotionally and physically draining.

Today, the “premium” survival food companies are running out of supplies faster than their budget competitors. This is natural because some foods such as the infamous “beef crumbles” offered by many survival stores become less appetizing the more they’re eaten.

“We had a customer tell us she had tried a few versions of ‘beef crumbles’ and they all tasted and felt like meat flavored porridge,” Nelson said. “Now she’s subscribed to receive both Ribeye and NY Strip monthly and she often uses it in her regular cooking.”

When survival food is good enough to eat during normal conditions, it’s definitely good enough to eat if things go south.

Prepper All-Naturals is maintaining a strong supply of beef by partnering with multiple Texas ranchers. Their quality is the highest in the survival industry. As for price, they’re offering — for a limited time — 25% off all products with promo code “veterans25.”

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

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